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I went to a school camping trip one day in late high school as a extra treat for us finishing most of school. We were assigned cabins but everyone for the most part just chilled outside, It was already sunset when we arrived. Later at night a group of people wanted to play cat and mouse in the surrounding forest, I wanted to join. When everyone was ready we all bolted in different directions, the "cats" counting silently with smirks somewhat visible across their faces. I bolted deep into the forest until I came up to this swamp area that seemed to decorate and show off this big hollow petrified trunk, it looked creepily alluring in the moonlight. As I was in a trance of curiosity didn't notice the vines that seemingly came out I of nowhere that caught my arms, causing me to slip and make a hard face-first fall into the darkness in the trunk.
I woke up dazed and in an endless shooting almost drowning pain. my whole body felt like it was pounding but my head, hands, and feet felt the worst. I remember yelping and screaming horsely. I felt warmth coming out of my eyes and mouth and I started to feel my dizziness worsen. I crawled out of the tree, fear and adrenaline the only things driving me awake. I saw a building in a clearing along with a lake illuminated by a street light in the distance. I dared to not take a rest completely afraid by the chance of dying. I forced myself up despite my vision starting to spin and stumbled to the lake in pain while I felt numbness fighting it's way although my body. When I came up to the lake I fell to my knees and stared in confusion mixed with horror at my reflection, causing me to touch my face with my blood mixed grime covered hands. "Porcelain?!" I said weakly under my breath.

Blood dripped off my white porcelain face and into the water, my shock didn't distract me long from bellowing in pain again causing me to keel over. I laid there, now barely able to move. My consciousness was fading and I decided just to stare up at the stars and closed my eyes feeling myself float away.

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