New Kids

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A/n: in this story you are all around the same age but you're 14. Or whatever age you want (You are also Scotty's stepsister and you can just pick your own outfits and hairstyles"

I continued to unload the red van that held all of my belongs in it while Scotty waved at a tall dark haired boy with a baseball jersey and hat. He nodded hello back and jogged into his house. "Well he seems alright. Wearing a baseball jersey he already has my respect" I said. Scotty shrugged his shoulders and smiled "Yeah, he seems alright".
I went into my room and started stacking the boxes when I looked through my window and looked across to the neighbours house. There was a brown haired boy laying on his bed looking up at the ceiling. I quickly shoved my curtain in front of my window just in case he caught me. Hah, that would've been awkward if he did see me. I thought to myself giggling.

The next day after the last day of school I started walking to the Vincent Drug Store when all of a sudden I tripped over a crack in the footpath and fell. "Get your clumsy shit together Y/N" I whispered to myself. As I sat there trying to process what just happened the boy I had seen next door walked through the door of the store with a base ball in his hand and a glove in the other. Just as he walked in front of me admiring the ball he bought, he realised me on the ground.

He stared at me for a second giving me time to process his looks. He had light brown hair with blue eyes that sparkled in the sunlight and he was chewing some pink gum. "Are you good?" He asked while raising his eyebrow and popping his gum. I shook my head to snap out of my thoughts and jumped back onto my feet. "Yeah I'm good sorry, I just tripped" I replied slightly embarrassed. He chuckled and threw the ball in the air and caught it. "Yeah-yeah you really need to be more careful" he said matter of factly. He smirked and patted my shoulder walking off into the distance leaving me there blushing.
After I bought my stuff from the store I walked out and saw Scotty. "Hey whatcha' doing?" I asked while sneaking up on him. He flinched a little but answered "I'm just following this kid from school." He said normally. I raised an eyebrow "and your reason for that is?!".

"Oh I just want to know where he goes with his friends each day that's all! I think they play baseball so I brought a glove. See?" He said, lifting his hand up in the air with a glove in it. I rolled my eyes "Who are we following then?" I asked curiously, Scotty pointed at the dark haired boy we saw on the first day we got here. Me and Scotty both exchanged glances before we started jogging far behind him.

The tall dark haired guy finally came to a stop at a gate and jumped over it with ease. Five minutes after, me and Scotty jumped the fence as well, leading to have to walk through some bushes. But then we found use for them by hiding behind them. As we crouched there we saw about eight boys playing base ball on a large field. "Cool." I whispered to Scotty. But when I turned my head to look at him he wasn't there. Instead he was standing out in the open smacking his fist into his glove ready to play. But the thing is, I don't think he even knows how to!

One of the kids that was batting hit a homer and the ball was flying right towards Scotty. Oh no. I thought. Almost all of the boys had turned their attention to Scotty and started screaming "watch out!!!". He stuck his glove out into the air but fell backwards hopelessly. The ball fell into a bush next to a dark green fence. Meanwhile I was still hiding behind a bush, all of the boys except for the one that hit the homer were laughing, some of them even falling to the floor. And one of them being the same boy I saw when I tripped at the Vincent Drug Store.

Published: December 28th 2020, I will try do fast updates.

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