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*(A Crush On My Next Door Neighbor)*

*Ham and Yabkeiva's Wife*



*Author George Haman*

*MOBILE: 0798952111*

*EMAIL: authorhaman@gmail.com*

(🔞This story Contains Adult Content (AC), Strong Graphic Language (SGL) which might be disturbing to minors and in some parts Graphic Violence (GV). Reader's discretion is advised. Suitable for persons 18 years and above.🔞)


I quickly followed with a much louder sneeze sounding like a lady then I began beating my chest. Yabkeiva did not realize that the first sneeze was not mine; he just got up and asked;

"Are you okay man?"

"Yeah am fine, just that the air conditioner is becoming unbearable. Why don't we step outside and let some air dilute it?" I suggested trying to get him out of the house.

"Actually I should be on my way. Just call my wife and you will let me know what conclusion you two will come to." Yabkeiva said then walked towards the door.

I followed him pretending that the air conditioner was too strong but I had actually gone to see him off and make sure that he was gone. He got into his car drove off.

After his car had vanished in the horizon, I went back to the house and found Celina topless; her spongy tits were just pointing at me like some juicy melons waiting to be squeezed off their juices.

"Down there it's too dusty, I need another top." She said when I walked in.

"Or maybe not." I replied with a naughty voice as I locked the door.

"Why not?" She asked smiling.

"Because we need to talk dear." I replied smiling back.

"Am I talking with my tits or my mouth?" She asked sarcastically then laughed.

"Both, but I prefer tits because I love how juicy they look." I replied sounding more naughty.

"You are crazy Ham, but my husband was right, nobody can convince me so don't waste your time." She said sounding a bit serious.

"Well, he convinced you that he was the best man in the world to marry and I am not here to convince you into doing anything; I am here to broaden your ambitions." I replied sounding like someone who knew what he was doing; I had no idea what I was doing.

"I am listening." She said sounding curious.

"One question for you; given a chance can you date a guy like me?" I asked.

"What does dating a guy like you got to do with me getting a beach house from my hubby?" She asked sounding a bit rude.

"Well, you are not fun as I thought, just never mind. I will take your clothes to the dry cleaner and thanks for everything. I will try convincing your husband instead." I said calmly then I walked to the laundry basket and took her clothes.

When I was just about to get to the door, Celina grabbed my hand and pulled me back. She then stared me in the eyes and said;

"I know this will sound weird and you might think I am some cheap lady but, from the very first moment I saw you Haman,I fell in love with you. When you suggested that you spend a night with me for you to go silent about the drugs, I was more than willing to do so dear. Yabkeiva makes me regret why I got married to him; he changed and he is no longer the man I fell in love with. The reason why I want the beach house, it is because of how he has been treating me lately. I have a feeling that he is cheating on me but he is smart enough to keep his phones and computers clean; I have never found any evidence."

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