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*(A Crush On My Next Door Neighbor)*

*The Twisted Hour*



*Author George Haman*

*MOBILE: 0798952111*

*EMAIL: authorhaman@gmail.com*

(🔞This story Contains Adult Content (AC), Strong Graphic Language (SGL) which might be disturbing to minors and in some parts Graphic Violence (GV). Reader's discretion is advised. Suitable for persons 18 years and above.🔞)


I knew that there was no ice cream in the house, and I had to get some for her without her seeing me buy it. I had not completed doing my shopping but I did not mind about that; it could be done another time.

I lied to Mary that I had left some package at the supermarket and I had to go pick it up; I did not want her to accompany me to the supermarket.

"Dear, please hold for me these bags I pick something I left at the supermarket; just a minute, I will be back." I said as I placed my shopping bags down.

I then rushed to the supermarket and bought the ice cream together with a few more things to blind her; Mary did not realize that I had just bought the ice cream.
We got to the house and it was a mess since I had not finished settling. In the bedroom, my clothes were lying allover and in the kitchen the utensils were allover as well.

"Don't mind the mess, I just moved in yesterday and I was out doing some shopping so that I could arrange everything once I am done shopping." I said as we walked into the house.

The only seat in the house was a plastic chair, Mary sat on it then I took the ice cream and served her. I began cleaning up the messy kitchen and that made Mary feel uneasy sitting there as she watched me clean up.

"Where can I help?" She asked as she stood behind me.

"It's okay dear, I will do the cleaning." I replied calmly.

"Give me that." She said as she took the cloth I was using to dust the shelf.

She took off her coat and began dusting the shelves as I gathered all the utensils into a basin so as to wash them.

Mary was standing in front of me facing away from me; I just kept on staring at her bright future behind her as it shook from left to right with the rhythm of her hand.

I began having fantasies holding her in my arms as we candled and I could not help it but smile like a fool. I was so lost in my fantasy world, I did not see her turn her head and she saw me staring at her well built future behind.

She pretended not to have seen me and continued dusting, then she took the bucket with the water for cleaning the shelves and placed it on the floor next to her.

Mary intentionally bent towards the bucket and her skirt went up from behind; I could see almost three quarters of her thighs.

"So, you still working at Geoham?" I asked trying to occupy my mind with something else other than her beautiful thighs.

"No dear, I now work around here; I will take you where I work one day." She replied.

Just then my phone rang; it was Celina.

"Hey Ham, are you at the house I come over?" She asked after I answered the call.

"Am sorry Celina but I am not at my place. I found a new job and I shifted to another house which is in town. Once I settle down I will let you know so that you can come visit." I replied as I moved away from Mary.

I did not want her to hear my conversation because it would hurt her feelings. Celina sounded disappointed but she had no choice but to wait. She offered to come and help me settle in my new house but I could not agree to her coming while Mary was still there.

I walked back to the kitchen after ending the call and decided to make a move on Mary and see what her reaction would be. I had always yearned to hold her in my arms and tell her how beautiful she was but she always played hard to get; this was my best chance to let my feelings known.

I gently held her from behind and leaned on her shoulder with my eyes closed. I expected that she would feel uneasy and pull away from me, but instead she took my arms and crossed them along her chest.

"Mary, I have something I have wanted to tell you since the day I met you." I said with a shaky voice.

"I am listening dear." She replied in whispers.

"I had feelings for you before we parted ways; I was in love with you." I said after I gathered courage.

She slowly turned to face me and then she looked me in the eyes weakening my ability to stand her staring contest.

"Why did you never tell me? Do you still love me?" She asked sounding curious.

"I was afraid you would snob me dear." I replied.

"Afraid? Afraid of what Ham?" She asked.

"Mary, I fear getting rejected and every time I asked you out, you would refuse and so I was afraid that if I told you I liked you, you would reject me as well." I replied.

"Do you still have the feelings?" She asked.

"It has been years dear, I don't have an answer right now." I replied.

"I liked you too Ham but I always waited for you to say it so that I could agree going for a date with you, but you never said it." She said looking away from my eyes.

"But fate has brought us back together again, I have always wished to be with you Mary." I said after a moment of silence.

"Am sorry Ham but now it is a little bit too late; I got engaged to someone last year." She replied politely.

Her words felt like a heavy stone placed on my heart; I never expected that she would give me such kind of an answer. I slowly took off my hands from her and stepped two steps backwards; she noted that I was hurt.

"Ham, are you okay?" She asked as she came closer.

"Yeah, I am fine Mary. Let me go clean the bedroom, it is also in a mess." I excused myself just to get away from her.

I left her in the kitchen and went to the bedroom with a heavy heart; deep down I was feeling a strong affection for her but I did not want to rush things.

After about ten minutes, I saw Mary walk into the bedroom feeling tensed. She came and sat on the bed and then took my hand and asked me to sit beside her....


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