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*(A Crush On My Next Door Neighbor)*

*A Smart Move*



*Author George Haman*

*MOBILE: 0798952111*

*EMAIL: authorhaman@gmail.com*

(🔞This story Contains Adult Content (AC), Strong Graphic Language (SGL) which might be disturbing to minors and in some parts Graphic Violence (GV). Reader's discretion is advised. Suitable for persons 18 years and above.🔞)


"Wait, you know that guy?" I asked smiling.

I recognized the guy since he was a friend of mine though we did not hangout often neither did we talk much. Edwin and I met in campus and I helped him when he was in a fix, since that day we became good friends and he always reminded me that he owed me a favor for helping him out
"Yeah, he is my brother, why do you ask?" Virginia asked sounding confused.

"What does your brother has to do with Ben?" I asked ignoring her question.

"He never wants to see any other guy apart from Ben around me and he trusts Ben." Virginia replied.

"Why Ben?" I asked curiously.

"Because his family and ours are good friends; we have been friends since childhood and every time Ben and I argue, he goes to report me to Edwin; he is here to ask me why I told Ben to go." Virginia replied.

"Okay, Edwin is a good friend of mine; get in the house and let me handle him. I know Ben told him about your next door neighbor and since I am the root of all these problems, let me talk to him." I said to Virginia calmly.

I could see it in her eyes, Virginia feared her brother. She went to her room and closed the door. Edwin had no idea that I was the new neighbour to his sister. I watched him climb the stairs as I waited to see the look on his face after finding me there; we had not seen each other in weeks.

"Excuse me sir, there is a new tenant who moved in here yesterday; by any chance would you know which house she moved in to?" Edwin asked me; he had not seen my face yet.

"Hey bro, long time no see!" I replied turning to face him.

"Haman?!" He asked shocked.

"Yes my name! You are so lost these days man!"  I replied shaking his hand.

"Yeah, it has been so long brother; I have been busy and held up." He said calmly.

"You stay here?" He then asked.

"Yeah, this is my fourth month at this place now." I replied.

"That's nice! I am looking for my sister, she moved in here yesterday but I don't know which house. I am calling her phone but she is not picking up!" Edwin said.

"You look worried, is everything okay?" I asked pretending not to know anything.

"Yeah, just that I heard that there was a guy disturbing her so I came to see if she is alright." Edwin replied.

"She is my next door neighbour; that is her room." I replied pointing at Virginia's room.

"Thanks bro, let me check on her; we shall catch up." Edwin said as he walked to the room I showed him.

"Bro, she told you that she was being disturbed?" I asked curiously.

"Not her, but a friend of hers told me so. I will halla you we talk, let me first talk to her and make sure that she is okay." He replied.

He then knocked at her door and Virginia opened the door. They went in and I continued with my laundry. I could not just tell him that I was the guy Ben told him about because that would bring a different reaction and he would think that I was snooping around his family's staff; I just allowed things to flow to their own course.
Virginia had left the window open and so was the door; I could hear their conversation.

"Ben told me that there was a guy in your room." Edwin said.

"Yeah, I could not fix my bed and the bulb so I called the guy living next door to come and help me." Virginia replied.

"So it was Haman who Ben met here?" Edwin asked.

"Yeah, actually he cut his finger while fixing the bed and Ben met me dressing his cut finger so he thought that I was having an affair with Haman." She replied sounding calm.

"If it was Haman then I guess it was a misunderstanding; I think I should get going, I will see you later." Edwin said.

He then walked out of the room and came to where I was washing my clothes and stood beside me.

"Are you leaving?" I asked pretending not to have heard their conversion.

"Yeah, I have a tight schedule today; I have deadlines to meet." He replied.

"It's okay bro, today was my day off so I am doing some cleaning. We shall get some time and hangout." I replied.

"That's nice. Bro, I really need to look for you man; you have been a good friend. Nonetheless, I need a favour from you bro." He said politely

"Anything for you brother." I replied.

"I need you to watch over my sister; if I had flexible schedules, I would be checking on her often, but now I got a very tight schedule man, it is impossible for me." He said.

"Don't worry, I will watch over her for you; she is a friend too and I cannot let any harm happen upon her." I replied.

"Thanks man, I owe you a lot." He said as he walked away.

"Yeah, you sure do bro." I replied smiling.

After he was gone, Virginia came out of her room and helped me do my laundry; she was curious to know what her brother was telling me.

"Dear, let me go get the other bucket so that we don't struggle with the clothes." I said as I ignored her question concerning our discussion with Edwin.

She grabbed my hand and insisted that I had to tell her; I had no choice but to tell her what we had talked about.

"Come with the pegs as well." She replied smiling after she heard that Edwin trusted me with her safety.

I went to my room and took the bucket and the pegs, then we went to the rooftop to hang the clothes. While hanging the clothes, Virginia tripped and she almost fell; I dropped the bucket I was holding and grabbed her by the waist. We then stood staring at each other in the eyes; I was still holding her waist.....

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Continues in the next Episode.

©Author George Haman

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