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Red is not for everyone.

That's what you thought while staring at the dress laid out on your bed.

Perona was still rummaging in your closet to find a nice pair of shoes to go with it.

«I'm not sure it'll suit me.» you grumbled, still wrapped in your bathrobe.

Outside your room, the party was already starting.

«Nonsense.» Perona scoffed, pulling out some red strapped heels «I've seen it on you already. It's the one that best highlights your boobs.»

You rolled your eyes, partially amused by her observation.

That was weird though. She was right, you used to like that dress a lot. Just...

«Kid used to like it too.»

She stopped for a second, glancing at you above her shoulder.

«Of course, because it highlights your boobs.»

You chuckled.

«I guess.»

He liked me wearing red. He said it went with his hair.

«You're not choosing this for Eustass though. Other men will like it too.»

You let yourself fall on the bed and groaned.

«P., I don't think I'm in the mood for–»

«Oh, cut it out.»

She threw the shoes beside you. They bounced lazily on the mattress and lay by your head.

«I get your mood but I have to tell you: Eustass leaving is the best thing that could happen, honestly. How can you move on with your ex living across the hall?»

A long sigh left your chest.

«You're right, I know you are. It's just... can I get a couple of hours to sulk?»

«You can get them tomorrow.» she stated, grabbing your arm and pulling you to your feet «Right now, a handsome man is just outside this door, waiting for you. Can't you see how lucky you are? Moving on doesn't wait.»

You pressed your lips together and took a deep breath.


Once dressed up and bejewelled, you stepped out to reach the bathroom and complete the look with a light make-up.

Some Christmas remix was pumping from the stereo, the living room was illuminated by candles and Christmas lights, and bowls with different snacks were set all over the space.

A lot of people were hanging out around the apartment.

Despite being distracted with different stuff, both Ace and Bartolomeo turned to you with a slightly worried look when you covered the small distance from your door to the bathroom.

You grinned at them to dissipate their concern but your eyes were immediately caught by the two men hanging out near the table.

He's here already??

One was the tall brunette you had met at the club earlier that month. The other was your "moving on" card.

He was chuckling at something his friend said.

Even his quiet laugh transmitted warmth. His movements were fluid and casual, his hand half hanging from his pocket, the first buttons of his shirt opened on his chest and his smile had that relaxed confidence of someone that doesn't care enough to try too hard.

One Piece x reader - Christmas specialWhere stories live. Discover now