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| Y/n: I've been told you helped me yesterday

| Y/n: thanks Barto, you're always the best <3

| Chicken boy: anytime lil one

| Chicken boy: u ok?

| Y/n: yep, just a little dizzy, but im fine :)

You shoved your phone back in your pocket and proceeded among the Christmas stands of the square.

Despite his best resolutions, Law had already started to scowl at the crowd and trinkets exposed in the open market.

«We won't find anything for the family here.» he grumbled.

«There's not just the family, Law.» you sighed «You have a lot of friends. It would be nice to thank them for putting up with you, once in a while.»

He glared at you but didn't reply.

It was a cold December afternoon, a few snowflakes were gently flowing in the air. A lot of people had gathered in the square to wander the Christmas market.

After rummaging in your purse, you extracted a list and lightly patted your cousin's shoulder.

«Don't worry, Mr Grumpy. I've already taken care of almost everything to make your torture short.»

You pointed to a stand that finally appeared in front of you.

«Here we go!»

The stand was preparing beautiful Christmas basket filled with seasonal products. They were meticulously decorated with red ribbons and golden garnish.

«What do you think?» you asked with an enthusiastic smile «We always lose so much time thinking what to buy for most of the members of the family. This is a cute, safe gift, isn't it?»

Law scanned the baskets with his golden eyes.

«They look fine.» he mumbled.

«Then we take ten!»

Luckily, the stand had a service that included shipping the buckets directly to your home, so you didn't have to carry them around.

You already ordered online Sugar's present, then dragged Law in the local book shop and bought a copy of "Pride and Prejudice" for Baby 5.

«I hope this book will inspire her.» you commented.

Law turned it around in his hands with a thoughtful expression.

«You really took care of everything, Y/n-ya.»

Outside, the air got colder as the sun started to go down.

You dug your face deeper in your scarf. The crowd had also increased, and it was hard to walk among people.

Law observed you for a few seconds, then entangled his arm with yours, pulling you close to him and leading the way.

You blinked at him, surprised. He was not a fan of physical contact.

«You know,» he hummed, his eyes fixed ahead «I never got between you and Eustass-ya, because I thought it was not my business.»

Okay, who is this guy? What did he do to my grumpy cousin?

«I thought you didn't want to talk about it.»

«True. It's that you really care about the people around you, and...» he seemed to look for the words, then grimaced «although I perfectly saw what Eustass-ya was doing to you, I didn't do anything, except not liking him.»

One Piece x reader - Christmas specialKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat