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The light in Kid's eyes immediately changed from threatening to murderous.

You shared a knowing (and also a little panicked from your part) glance with Killer, then you both stepped between Marco and Kid.

«Kid, please.» the blond whispered.

«My apartment is over there!» you chimed with an acute pitch in your voice, pointing your door to Marco.

He hummed, still glaring at the redhead, whose expression was now concealed by Killer's imposing figure.

You nervously pulled your keys out but Nami was quicker than you and opened the door.

«Hey, Y/n.» her eyes wandered through the hall «Oh.»

«Oh indeed.» you hissed, then turned again «Over here, Marco~! Thank you for your help.»

«Don't mention it-yoi.» he murmured, placing your bags on the doorstep.

«We're going then.» Killer announced.

You swallowed a sigh of relief back in your throat.

«Bye guys!»

Kid didn't even look at you but Killer answered to your wave. You motioned a silent "thank you" with your lips, and he gave you a thumb up.

Once they were down the stairs, you turned to Marco, sheepishly rubbing the back of your head.

«Sorry for him... he's kind of a hothead.»

«I noticed...»

Marco trailed their steps before bringing his eyes back to you.

«Will you be alright?»

Your heart missed a beat at the serious look in his beautiful half-lidded eyes. Nami squeaked behind you.

«Huh, sure. Come on, you'll be late for your dinner.» you said, gently pushing his arm.

A glimpse of malice immediately flashed across his face.

«Touching already, young lady?»


You could hear Nami practically choking behind you.

«Don't get ahead of yourself, oldie~» you smiled.

His eyebrows knitted together.

«"Oldie"? Someone should really teach you a lesson, you cheeky hatchling-yoi.»

You shrugged.

«Someone should.»

«Maybe over a dinner?»


Nami was probably dead now. And so were you.

You opened your mouth to reply but the door beside yours slammed open and Ace flew in the hall, still struggling with the tie around his neck.

«MARCO, THANK GOD!» he yelled «I'm super late! Please, give me a ride!»

Then he stumbled on his half-on shoes and landed face down to the floor.

At least I'm not the only one.

Marco frowned and looked at you.

«Is it an effect I have on people-yoi?»


Ace was immediately on his feet, though.

«Y/n! How fortunate! Did you tell Marco that picture had nothing to do with me?»

One Piece x reader - Christmas specialWhere stories live. Discover now