Chapter 1

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I walk along the beach with Bella and Gigi. We're just goofing around, enjoying our little family getaway. Oh beautiful Oahu, I think to myself.

It's halfway trough the afternoon and the sun's still shining bright. "Shall we go back?" Bella asks. "I bet they're all passed out in the garden." Gigi says giggling.

We walk back, and for a matter of a fact they're all passed out in the garden . It's really hot and I'm all sweaty, so I decide it would be a good idea to go take a shower. "I'm gonna take a shower." I say. And walk back into the house. "Hey Candice." My sister Nina says. "Hey N, how's it going?" I ask. "Nothing much, the guys are all passed out and I've just been... cutting fruits making drinks, being bored." She says. "Sounds fun." I say sarcastically. "You tell me." She says, before I head to my room.

I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body. I quickly blow dry my hair, and put my bikini back on with a white knitted sun dress. I grab a hat and a pair of sandals.

I walk outside and see that Bella and Gigi joined the rest. My brother Alex walks up to me. "Hey Can, how's it going?" He asks kissing my forehead. "Good, I was planning on doing a bit of exploring later, mind joining me?" I ask. He nods. "Let me get a shirt real' quick." He says. "Oh I'm pretty sure the girls won't mind you walking 'round like that." I say playfully, winking at him. "Oh shut it you." He says, pushing my shoulder lightly. I wiggle my eyebrows at him. "Well then go get it." I say slapping his bum. He send me a warning look and I just laugh at him.

We walk through the area, spending the time talking and laughing. Just enjoying some quality time. Making small talk with the people around.

It's been about half an hour before Alex proposes to go get a drink. And so we do.

I'm sipping my drink continuing to walk, when Alex starts a conversation. "Are enjoying our family holiday so far?" He asks, I nod eagerly. "And about that what's going on between you and mum?" He asks I glare at him. "Oh I'm sure she told you." I say nonchalantly. "Yeah she did, and she was pretty upset about it." He says. "Oh really?" I say. "Yeah really. Why are you so upset about the fact that she's found someone again? Someone who makes her happy." He says. "Alex that's not it. She is... it's just all going a little fast, I mean how long has it been? Like 6 months.I'm just not the biggest fan of that idea, I mean she's always telling me not to throw myself at people, not like I want to, but seriously... that fast after your husband dies, it is kind of making her look desperate, plus I don't think she's over James." I say referring to our deceased step father. "Yeah I'm aware of that, but still Candice. She's you're mother, shouldn't you just be happy for her? Or at least attempt. Don't you think she deserves to be happy again, after everything?"  He says. "I will if she gets some common sense into her head." I say. "You're just as stubborn as her." He says shaking his head. "I'm not stubborn, it's called common sense. She's not the one to decide of what I should do, and neither are you." I say glaring at him. "Oh I'm very much aware of that." He says chuckling. "Besides how many times have we met the guy?" I ask. "Candy.... I get your point. And trust me I'm not too fond of him either, yet. But we barely know the guy. Maybe we should go back home some time soon." Alex offers. "Maybe..." I say. He wraps his arm around ny shoulder. "Ey light up a bit, it'll be alright. Some people mourn faster than others." He says. I give him a small smile. "I do love you Cans, even though you can be an absolute pain in the ass sometimes." He says embracing me in a hug. "Love you too... now get off of me" I say chuckling giving his chest a push. "Can we  just go back?" I ask and Alex nods.

When we arrive. There's a water fight going on. Not really in the mood to get all wet, I hurry towards the door.

As I walk towards the door, I get a full bucket of water over me. I shriek, so I turn around and surely Anwar is standing there, with an empty bucket, grinning sheepishly. "Anwar!" I yelp. He smirks, and I glare at him. "Oh you are dead." I say threatening him.

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