Chapter 2

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I wake up still on the same couch, Ansel must've gotten up though. I push the blanket away, someone must've put it on me cause it wasn't there last night. Bella, Nina and Alex are still asleep on the other couches. I stand up from the couch and walk towards my room to get dressed.

I put on a purple, tribal print bikini with a white summer dress and then I walk down the stairs. Liam, Gigi, Ansel and Anwar are already sitting at the table having breakfast.

I pour myself a glass of orange juice. "Did you sleep well?" Liam asks pulling out the chair next to him, I nod sitting down next to him. "So when do you have to film again for the movie?" I ask. "Next week." He says. "Are you excited about the movie?" I ask. "Course I am smartass. But you have to promise me, you'll be there on the premiere." He says. "Wouldn't dare to miss it." I say chuckling, pinching his cheeks playfully. "So what are we doing today?" I ask sipping my juice. "Well, we were planning on going to the beach." Ansel says and I nod.

I finish my breakfast and stand up from the table. "I am going to try the shower outside." I say as I walk away.

I put my hair up in a bun and I let the water run down my body. I hear a click behind me. "Nice bum Candice." Gigi says. "Were you taking a picture of my bum?" I ask. "Not particularly, but your bum just looks good." She says. "Is that my camera?" I ask. She nods. "Better quality than mine." She says. "You don't have one." I say. "Like I said better than mine." She says. "Why aren't you taking any pictures Candy? You love photographing." She asks. "Just... don't have a lot of time ." I say sighing, stopping the water and stepping out. "Nonsense you're on a holiday, so plenty of time." She says and I just shrug.

"Well good thing I'm taking pictures, so we at least have something to add to the wall." Gigi says while I dry myself. I just smile at her. "Ahw aren't you just the sweetest thing, Gigi." I say trying to hug her. "Ehw Can, you're all wet." She says laughing pushing me away. "No Gi, come on and love me!" I sigh dramatically throwing my arms up, trying to hug her again. "No Candice!" She laughs.

I put on a different bikini; a simple black one. And let my other bikini to dry. I put my hair up in a bun and put on my white sun dress and heart shaped sun glasses. I walk downstairs and I am immediately greeted by Alex. "Mum's on the line she would like to talk to you." He says giving me the phone. "Hello." I say. "Hello Candice." She says. "So what's it now?" I ask already annoyed of the thought what'll happen during the conversation. "Candice I really want us to be okay with each other." She says. "Then I suggest you to realise that your beloved husband passed away only 6 months ago." I say, maybe that was a little rude, I definitely went too far. "Candice! Why can't you accept the fact that I'm happy! I am finally happy again after a long time, it would be nice if you would encourage that a little more." She says. "4 months that's how long you've known the guy, and he's already moving in!" I say. "Candice I think I can decide that for myself. But that's not what I wanted to talk about... I wanted to invite you over here, so you can get to know him." She says. "Who says you are really going through with..." but before I can finish Alex takes the phone away from me. "That's enough for today." He says glaring at me and I walk to the kitchen. I cut some fruits and put them in a bowl. I just sit on the counter eating the fruits, thinking about what just happened. Maybe I did go too far, I definitely did. Then Alex enters the kitchen. "Mind explaining what that was?" Alex asks. "Define 'that'." I say. He glares at me. "I don't know. You tell me. But it was worth cutting me off apparently." I say sarcastically. "You crossed a line Candice." He says. "Like I don't know that." I snap. It's quiet for a moment. "She wants me to bond with him." I say hopping off the counter. I put the bowl down. "I know, what'd you say?" He asks. "Oh nevermind I cut you off." He says. "Yeah thank you for that by the way." I say. "It's not just the bonding, it's all about him, isn't it?" He asks. "Of course it's about him! That guy is not right for her, and not trustworthy!" I say. "How would you know?" Alex asks, I huff. "Come on give the guy a chance, maybe bonding will be good." Alex begins. "He's just... I'm just not getting the best vibe off of him." I say. "If he's really that bad, mum will realise that soon enough." Alex says. "You can't always prevent everything, mum is a grown woman, she'll be all right." Alex says. "Can't we just let it rest for a while? Maybe he'll change and..." I cut Alex off. "Don't get your hopes up on that." I say walking away, not really in the mood to talk about it anymore.

I walk outside. "Ready to go?" I ask. They all nod. Alex runs towards me. "You can't avoid this forever." He says. "No but I can try." I say before walking towards Bella.

I strip down to my bikini and lay my towel onto the ground. I sit down on my towel next to Gigi. "What's that thing between you and Alex?" She asks. "Nothing, just... stuff." I say. "Canny you can tell me." She says. "Well just stuff with mum. She called today and we... talked." I say. "Still about the guy?" She asks and I nod. 

"Shall we go for a swim?" Gigi asks. "No, I want to get a tan." I say. "Bullcrap, you're already tanned." She says tugging at my hand. I sigh and stand up from my towel.

When we start to pack, so we can leave, it's already 6. So we decide to head to the house for a bit and then head out for dinner. I put my stuff back into my beach bag and just wait before everyone else is also ready to go.

I'm just changing into something more formal. When there's a knock on the door. "Come in." I say. It's Alex. "Listen Alex if you're here to..." he cuts me off. "No that's not why I'm here." He says. "Then what is it?" I ask while putting my ear rings in. "I just wanted to apologize. It's something between you and mum. But I just want you and mum to be okay with each other. And stop fighting for both of your sakes. And I just want us to have a normal family and.." I cut him off. "Alex, our family is far from normal and I doubt it will ever be normal, you do realise that right?" I say. He nods. "I just want to do the best I can do." He says embracing me in a hug. "It's okay Alex really. Sorry for acting like such a bitch." I say. "You can't help it." he starts but I cut him off. "Alex." I say warning. He throws his hands up. "Sorry, sorry Canny, you really just can't help it." He says, I chuck a hairbrush at him and he quickly walks away. I chuckle. And quickly fix my hair before heading downstairs.

I plop down onto the couch next to Alex. He wraps his arm around my shoulders. "You should call mum, come to terms and stuff." He says. "That reminds me, have you called Mar today?" I ask referring to his girlfriend. "I have actually, and about that. You still are yet to meet her, maybe upcoming month?" He asks. "Perhaps we can go out for dinner?" Alex proposes. "Third wheeling? Not really my thing." I say. "Alright no fancy restaurants. You must meet her soon though. Two most important women in my life." He says. "What about mum, Grace, Gigi, Bella..." he cuts me off by putting his hand on my mouth. "Shush, don't ruin the moment." He says chuckling. "You guys ready to go?" Bella asks checking up on us. "All ready." I say.

So this was the edited chapter 2. I will continue to edit the other chapters as soon as possible. I know this was a little short, sorry for that. And Harry will appear soon in the story. And I won't write the story from day to day, cause it'll most likely be too long and boring.

Xx Candice

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