Chapter 1: The Son of The First Avenger

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     As time travel comes by the story of life continues the origin of Steve Rogers known as Captain America and Ms. Peggy Rogers of when they first dated in 1949 until 4 years later after marriage they decided to have a child in order to protect the American army group so when the baby grows they could own the American army group.                                                                                                        And so once they found out that there will be having a baby later it was announced to be a boy so once they heard those news they realized how easy it could be to have their son own an American army group since Steve saves America and joining The Avengers  while Peggy Rogers retired from helping the boys army group that turned Steve to an American hero.                                                                                                                                                Before the baby gets born Steve has to make the plans so when the baby is born he could know what the future will be like so in order to know how to know what the future will be like for the son he has to invent an time machine with Tony Stark known as Iron Man to know what can the son do to help America like his father.                                                                                                                                                                    And what they find is very suspicious.

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