Chapter 4: The Future

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The Time has passed and Steve decided for everything to move to the future so what he did is aged Ricardo Rogers to 11 years old and makes sure that Ricardo stays young just like him but what Ricardo doesn't know is that his father did not really had strength until his mom helped him be strong and stay young like him and so his family thought not to tell him because Ricardo will have a reaction that they know they will not like. Later night in the dinner table Ricardo discovers something strange about his body and felt different but he decided not to tell his family because he knows they would be up to something so he thinks telling them after his pain happens worse will make everybody feel ok. When it was time to go to bed his muscles nonstop feeling hard and bad pain but Ricardo thought that was just a normal pain that his parents and family had before so as he lays to go to sleep his veins starts to feel funny but still thinks it's just normal until the next day.

It's a Monday morning and Ricardo wakes up so sore with one muscle big and one muscle small and Ricardo is just wondering that he feels like he is turning into something like a wild creature until later Afternoon he runs to his parents telling them that he is turning into something until Steve and Peggy starts to laugh holding a glass of wine telling Ricardo "I like the jokes you are having what else can you say." Until Ricardo replies with a little anger "I AM NOT JOKING." As things get intense Steve and Peggy continues laughing until he broke the glass of wine and yells at his parents until Steve got up and punched Ricardo in the nose. Later that day his parents hasn't heard from Ricardo except they hear him screaming so loud that they entered the room and saw Ricardo screaming in the floor and his muscles were growing and veins turns blue and starts to black out and Steve and Peggy sobs and calls Dr. Strange as soon as possible.

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