40. Hanna 💋

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Hanna and Mona stood across the street from Rosewood High, finishing the last few touches on their makeup. Mona applied a final layer of a pink lip gloss that they had stolen from a department store a couple weeks before the sunglasses incident. Hanna hadn't stolen anything since then, but she couldn't say the same for Mona. She wasn't the one who got caught, after all.

"Totally love this colour," Mona said as she looked at herself in a small handheld mirror. "We should've stocked up on a few more tubes."

Mona handed the lip gloss back to Hanna. "Well, I've only got two hands," Hanna said, plastering on a fake smile. "Keep it."

"Why? Is your mom asking to see receipts?"

Hanna was saved from answering that question by the arrival of Sean and his friend, Noel Kahn. Sean and Noel had become friends due to their mutual interest in sports. Noel was one of the most popular boys in school, due to his massive parties that he threw every time his parents were out of town and his spot on the lacrosse team.

The two boys were laughing as they approached Hanna and Mona. One of them had probably made some joke that Hanna wouldn't get. "Sean!" Hanna called happily as she walked over to them. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing. Noel's just out of control," Sean said through his laughter. He bent down and gave her a kiss. "You smell good."

Hanna chuckled. Every little compliment from Sean made her feel so good. She had dreamed of dating him for so long back when she was still kind of a loser that every compliment just confirmed that she was finally the person she had always wanted to be. He finally seemed to really love her.

"Save something for tomorrow night," Noel said with a smile.

"What's tomorrow night?" Mona asked.

"Noel's parents are leaving town," Sean replied.

"It means the party of the year is officially on," Noel said excitedly. "Think big, think wild, think parental units in another time zone."

So that's what they had been talking about. Another one of Noel's parties was the perfect opportunity to let loose and forget about all of their troubles for the night. One of the perks of dating Sean was always getting an invite to the biggest parties that Noel threw. Noel's parents were notoriously wealthy, and their house turned into the residential equivalent of a nightclub. Something exciting always happened at these parties, and Hanna could feel the excitement in the air already.

"I gotta get to practice," Sean said. "Save that smell."

Sean kissed Hanna goodbye and walked with Noel to the field. "So, the pressure's on," Mona jeered as they started walking up to the school.

"What do you mean?" Hanna asked.

Mona rolled her eyes. "Not all of us have a Sean to wear to that party, and I'm not going to spend the night guarding the bushes so you two can jump each other's bones," she teased.

Hanna laughed. "Okay, we're not going to be doing it in the bushes."

"Whatever," Mona said. "Have you guys even done it yet?"

Hanna hesitated. She wasn't really sure how to answer that with all these people around. Everyone knew about Sean's virginity pledge, and Hanna hadn't attempted to do anything with him since Wilden walked in on them that day. Maybe Mona had thought Sean's announcement was a joke, but Hanna knew better. "It's not a race, Mona," she said, trying to brush it off.

"Okay, Mom, seriously," Mona said sarcastically. "No one's pushing you to be a natty ho, but you guys have been going out for months. If you're not together in that way, then how do you know you're together together. How long can you wait before you lose him?"

Hanna paused and looked over at the field. Sean and Noel hadn't quite made it to the field yet. They were talking to two blonde girls that Hanna hadn't bothered to learn the names of. They were laughing, and Sean's eyes lingered on one of them for a little too long. Maybe Mona was right. Hanna had to find a way to get Sean alone at that party. Then she would finally know that he loved her in the same way that she loved him.

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