30. Aria 📚

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Rosewood had two movie theatres along Main Street, one of them played newer films as they were released, and the other had a more particular fondness for classic films. Aria stood outside of this theatre, waiting for her mom to come back with tickets to It Happened One Night. The theatre was usually pretty empty during the day, and Aria was pretty sure that she was the only one of her peers who ever came here.

Old movies had always been an interest of hers, even when she was friends with Ali. She loved the cinematography of the time, and the classiness of the characters in them. The way they had to play with the film in order to get the shots they wanted was so inspiring to her. It was one of the reasons she had taken up writing; she wanted to create stories like that.

"Aria," someone said.

She turned and saw Ezra walking toward her, a smile lighting up his eyes. She panicked a little; she hadn't been expecting to see him here with her mom circling around. She started to go up to him just as her mom came out of the theatre, two tickets in hand.

"Mr Fitz! Hi," she said quickly as her mom approached them. "This is my mom, Ella."

Mrs Montgomery smiled. "Oh, Mr Fitz, the new English teacher," she said as she shook his hand. Aria had gushed nonstop about his classes and how great of a teacher he was, so naturally she knew all about him.

"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs Montgomery," he said.

"Oh, please, call me Ella," she said. "We're a very informal family. Are you going to see the movie?"

"Yes, I am. It's one of my favourites."

Of course, Aria already knew that. The only reason she had dragged her mom to this movie was because it made her think of Ezra. The first night they ever stayed up together, they talked about all of their favourite things: movies, music, books. They had so much in common, it was hard not to fall for him a little.

"Aria's too. She's told us a lot about you," Mrs Montgomery said. She looked at Aria with a smile. "Although, you forgot to mention the 'you're very young' part."

"Well—" Ezra said.

"I just—" Aria said at the same time. She felt herself die a little inside. "We should get going, the movie's starting."

"We'll see you inside," Mrs Montgomery said.

"See you," he said.

Aria and her mom made their way into the theatre. She couldn't imagine what would happen if her mom ever caught any hints that she and Ezra had been together, even after she found out he was her teacher. A part of her that had been nagging at her ever since that first day of school wished that somehow she and Ezra would be watching this movie together, alone, like a real date.

"You also for got to mention the 'really cute' part," Mrs Montgomery said as they got their tickets checked.

Under different circumstances, Aria would've found her comment funny. She and her mom always bonded over cute guys, but she couldn't bring herself to even hint at her attraction to him. Mrs Montgomery bought them a bag of popcorn on the way to their seats. Mrs Montgomery started eating it as they waited for the lights to go out and for the movie to start.

Aria's stomach was in knots. She was so nervous that they would accidentally let something slip, something about their relationship. It was over, she knew that, but she didn't want to let anyone know about it at all. She definitely didn't want to give A any more ammo either.

Ezra entered the theatre after a few minutes and walked past them towards the front of the otherwise empty theatre. Aria watched him go and almost called out to him, but Mrs Montgomery beat her to it. "Mr Fitz! Why don't you come sit with us?"

Aria could see him seriously deliberating it. He was probably thinking the same thing that she was. It was going to be the most awkward situation either of them had ever been put in. Aria knew that he still had unresolved feelings for her, and sitting in a dark room and watching a movie together wasn't going to help anything. And if Aria's mom caught any signs of chemistry, all hell would break loose.

"Yeah, okay," Ezra said finally.

He came back up the aisle and squeezed between the seats and sat down next to Aria. He placed his hand on the armrest next to Aria, whose hand was already there. There was a split second, when Ezra's hand brushed over Aria's, where the spark between them exploded into life. It was just like everything she had imagined about seeing a movie with him, only she couldn't reach over and kiss him like she wanted to.

Mrs Montgomery held the bag of popcorn out to Ezra. "I'm fine, thank you," he said politely.

The opening credits of the movie began, and Aria wished that she (or her mom) could be in a completely different place at that moment. She ate a handful of popcorn, and braced herself for the next few awkward hours.

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