32. Spencer 🤓

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Spencer laid on her bed after dinner, finally starting in on the massive pile of homework she still had left to do. She was probably going to spend most of the night memorising dates and vocabulary words. She was used to it by this point in her educational career, long nights were kind of the norm for her. Her laptop was in front of her, lighting up her face as she spread out the various pages of notes that she had taken throughout the day.

The pain in her shoulder was still bugging her. Whatever she had done at field hockey practice had really messed her up, and no matter how much she stretched it out, it just wouldn't go away. Wren's massage had helped, but it was just too weird to think about letting him do something like that again. What if Melissa saw them? She'd never hear the end of it.

"Still having trouble with that bursa sac?"

Spencer looked up and saw Wren standing at the door, a basket of laundry in his hands. She hadn't even heard him come up the stairs. He was smiling at her, biting his lip. She chuckled slightly. "I can't take you seriously when you say bursa sac," she said, turning back to her laptop.

"Shall I give you another rub?" he asked, setting the basket of laundry down the bedroom floor.

The idea was appealing, she couldn't deny that. Just that brief moment when he had been massaging it had felt so good, his warm hands on her back, his breath on her neck. But she couldn't do that again. Her sister was just downstairs and could come up any moment.

"No, that's okay," Spencer said with a smile.

Wren nodded. "Yeah, it's late," he said, glancing at his watch.

"Well, it's early for me," Spencer said, tossing a pencil onto one of the many books surrounding her and sitting up, turning away from her studies to face him. "I have a history test on Monday and a paper due in Latin."

Wren smiled slightly. "Ascendo tuun," he said slowly.

Spencer laughed. "Do you know what you just said to me?" she asked.

"I think so. Up yours?"

Spencer laughed again. She couldn't believe that he had said that to her straight to her face. It was hilarious actually, considering that he was tethered to Melissa, who would never say that to anyone, not in Latin anyway and certainly not as a joke."Yeah," Spencer said through her laughter. "Okay."

Wren crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes sparkling as he looked at her. "It's the only Latin I remember," he said. He gestured at her papers and books. "Can I help you with anything?"

"What, with your extensive knowledge of the language?" Spencer teased.

"Yeah," Wren replied, teasing with equal verve.

Spencer got up and pulled a small blue dictionary out of the small bookcase by her desk. She flipped through the pages of the book, knowing full well that Wren was watching every move she made. She would never admit this to anyone, especially not anyone in her family, but she really did believe that she and Wren would make a much better couple than he and Melissa did.

Wren took a couple of steps closer to her and leaned up against one of the bedposts. "You know, I didn't grow up with a family like yours, so I don't know that kind of pressure. But I can imagine it could be unbearable at times."

Spencer looked up at him. It was sweet how much he really seemed to care about her. It was further proof of how different he truly was from her family. Wren had seen firsthand how differently Spencer was treated in comparison to Melissa, and he seemed to really understand how unfair it was to her. It was an immense amount of pressure for her, and it really was almost too much a lot of the time.

"You're not exactly a slouch, Mr Oxford," Spencer replied with a small smile. "I mean, that drive had to come from somewhere."

"Yeah, it came from me," he said. "My life has been my choice."

Spencer started to feel a ball rise in her throat. "You're lucky," she said, her voice barely a whisper. She took a couple of deep breaths and managed to push away the tears that had threatened to surface.

"I'm sorry, I'm being intrusive," Wren said.

"No, no, you're being nice," Spencer replied quickly.

Wren crossed the room and came toward Spencer. He reached an arm around her, and for a brief moment, she thought they were going to kiss. He was close enough that he could smell the faint scent of cigarette smoke on his breath and feel the warmth emanating off of his skin. Instead, he plucked a book off her desk and flipped through the pages.

He had picked up a book on interior design, one of Spencer's many inspirations while she was remodelling the barn. When she was thinking about anything regarding the barn, she made sure to do all of the research before deciding on anything. "Gehry said that the Hat Trick chair was inspired by an apple crate," Wren said, as he showed her one of the pages.

Spencer glanced up at him. "I didn't know you were into design," she said.

"Yeah," he said as she read over the pages. "I appreciate beauty."

Spencer's eyes slowly raised to his. It had been a long time since someone had looked at her the way he did. Before she could say anything, his lips were pressed against hers, soft, warm, perfect. Her heart raced as he kissed her harder, passionately pulling her deeper into the kiss.

Spencer thought she heard footsteps in the hallway and pulled away quickly, coming to her senses. "Stop, stop," she said, pushing him away gently. "We can't—you can't do this. It isn't right," she said.

Wren opened his mouth, ready to protest, but changed his mind. He turned away and walked out of her room, taking the basket of clothes with him. Spencer's heart was still running a million beats a minute, and it didn't slow down until she finally gave up on her homework and fell asleep.

When she woke up the next morning, she wasn't sure if the kiss had all been a dream. She heard a door slam from outside, and thinking that it came from the barn, she got up and peered out the window. Wren was walking out of the barn, carrying a box filled with a bunch of stuff that Spencer recognised from when he was moving in.

Her heart sank as she leaned against the windowsill. Melissa must've seen the kiss. She took a deep breath, her heart picking up speed again as she wondered how she would face her family when she went downstairs.

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