Chapter 6

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I stared after him tremors running through my body anger arising at that foul man.  I looked back at Ceri and found her smiling to herself, what an odd elf she was. "Come Elise. Let's get you cleaned up and dressed." Ceri drew a bath for me and I let the warm water soak into my weary bones. I don't know how long it had been since I had actually taken a proper bath; over the last year or so I had resorted  to bathing in the cold stream in the woods not even having soap to wash properly with. Ceri gently washed my hair and then ran some type of oil through it that helped release the matted tangles. She brushed my hair out effortlessly and cut it so there was some shape to it again, she then braided my hair into a similar fashion as hers. After my bath she dressed me in the softest gown I have ever touched. I hadn't worn a dress in years there was no point to dresses once the kingdom fell. They weren't practical, but for today I was going to enjoy this simple pleasure.

She turned me to face myself in the mirror and I couldn't believe my eyes the last time I had seen myself my face was covered in filth and my hair was a tangled mess. I looked like a banshee they keep locked in the fighting cages but now I looked like a whole new person. The dress was a deep blue that brought out my eyes, skin, and hair. My hair almost looked as if it was a flame it was so bright. But my eyes, my eyes had changed they were still the same deep blue pools they had been before but now it was as if a silver ring was forming around them, "What is happening to my eyes?" I panicked grabbing Ceri's arm. "You had a lot of Elven healing power go through your body, your eyes are now reflecting that." She said this not quite meeting my gaze. I turned back to look at my reflection one more time before we turned to go prepare dinner.

Caelan left after starting the stove and he didn't return until late into the night. If I was being honest with myself I was slightly disappointed I wanted him to see me dressed up to see I wasn't some lowly human he thought I was. But, alas, it was not meant to be and I didn't understand why I felt the need to prove myself to him.  After dinner I went to bed and fell into a fretful sleep dreaming of the events that led me here. I awoke to Caelan stumbling through my bedroom door and landing on top of me. "Elise." He breathed a sigh of relief as he ran his fingers through my hair. He collapsed on top of me for a moment I thought he had drunk himself into senselessness but as I pulled my hand away it was covered in blood, "Ceri!" I screamed trying to squeeze from beneath him.

Ceri came running into the room seeing Caelan she immediately lifted his shirt looking for the wound. "Help me flip him!" Together we managed to flip him from his stomach to his back and Ceri cut away his shirt. I gasped at the sight before me, a large gash ran from his belly button down to his right side. It was turning black and oozing green pus. "What has happened to him?" I asked covering my mouth. Ceri began to move her hands over him and slowly his wound began to close up I couldn't believe what I was seeing, his wound was almost gone and if not for a faint scar you wouldn't know anything had happened.  "Why isn't he waking up?"  My voice came out higher than I had expected and I could feel panic setting in.  "He will be ok he just needs some rest."   Ceri squeezed my shoulder and left the room. 

I looked at him sleeping in my bed, he took up much more of it than I did. Now that I'm actually looking at him he is much bigger than Terak,  he has broad shoulders and his arms look like he was built to be in the High King's royal army. No matter how hard I tried I could not bring myself to look away from this man. He had a strong jawline and a straight nose his high cheekbones looked like he was made for royalty. There wasn't a thing out of place besides a small crescent scar next to his right eyebrow. With a sigh I pulled the chair close to the bed I didn't particularly care for this man but I couldn't bring myself to leave him to die in his sleep. I don't know what his stab wound was, but I was worried there might be some internal poisoning.

I didn't sleep much Caelan was pitching fever on and off for the rest of the night. I continuously rubbed him down with a cool wash cloth, finally when the sun started to rise his fever broke. He fell into a deep sleep and I rested my head back against the chair.

I awoke with a start, I lifted my head to be greeted to Caelan's piercing blue eyes. "Were you nursing me to health in my sleep?" He asked almost as if the idea was the most disturbing thing he'd ever heard. "Well...yes, you... well, you had a fever all night so I was trying to help you break it." I stumbled over my words this man effected me and I didn't know why. He scoffed at me in disgust and sat in front of me, he leaned in so close to me I could feel his breath on my lips when he spoke with a harsh tone, "We pitch fever to burn off the effects of the weapons used to harm us, our body's heal from the inside out. We are a sophisticated race so you needn't waste your mediocre medicinal skills on me. You are  pathetic even for human standards, and now I have the daunting task of protecting you all because you actually thought someone could still possibly love you." He sneered at me and as he was about to leave he turned, "You need to get ready we are leaving in a couple of hours."

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