Chapter 32

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The deeper we went into the forest the harder it was to move. Branches tangled in my hair and clawed at my face. Sharp thorns ripped at my clothes and began to shred my beautiful suit. Caelan had taken my hand to help me keep pace in the dense foliage and I couldn't help but feel grateful to him for not leaving me behind.

"I feel like we are going in circles." He stated puzzled as he looked around. "It seems like we have been walking this way for hours." I agreed shrugging out of my torn up jacket wincing at the pain spreading throughout my arm.  The forest was beginning to swelter and I was feeling extremely parched. Caelan also shrugged out of his jacket and his muscles bulged from underneath his shirt. I felt my cheeks flame red as I thought about the night of our consummation it seemed like Caelan might be having the same thoughts because I could feel his eyes wandering my body as they began to glow. "Maybe we should keep going?" I suggested trying to get away from his heated gaze.

He nodded at me taking my hand in his again, and began to lead us forward. Without the protection of my jacket the branches scratched at my arms and tore through my shirt. I had gotten caught up in a thorny vine and it tore my shirt exposing my stomach and causing a huge gash in my skin. I couldn't help but grunt in pain as it tore at the flesh in my neck. Caelan worked trying to get the vine off of me, but he too fell victim to the thorns in the process as a deep gash formed on his bicep. Once we were finally free of the vines we found ourselves in a large clearing full of beautiful red flowers. We both laid down resting from the exhausting trek.

I found myself overcome with fatigue and as hard as I tried I could not stop myself from closing my eyes. "Elise, I think we have been poisoned." I heard Caelan's groggy voice as his arms wrapped around me but it was too late we both drifted into unconsciousness.


I don't know how long we had been sleeping but I found myself looking up into Caelan's beautiful face. "I've been waiting for you to wake up." His voice was full of lust and he ran his fingers up my exposed stomach and under my shirt. "What are you doing?" I asked but even as I did I could feel the heat pooling in my stomach and the ache building at my center. Caelan quickly sat me up and ripped my shirt from over my head exposing my breasts to him. He cupped his hands around them as he laid me down kissing my deeply. He didn't even wait as he ran his tongue down my neck and began sucking on my hard nipples. I couldn't stop the moan that escaped my throat and he took that as permission as he threw off my boots and pants leaving me completely bare to him. He began to remove his own clothes and his large shaft sprung free from his pants. He lowered himself in front of me and without asking buried his head deep into my center. I gasped as I felt his tongue flick my sensitive bud and my hands wrapped in his hair. He inserted two fingers deep inside me causing me to instantly writhe in pleasure. It wasn't long before I was screaming out as he brought forth my climax. "You taste so good Elise." He said licking his fingers, normally I would be embarrassed by the forwardness but I didn't know what overcame me I grabbed him around the neck and pulled his lips down on mine. Caelan pulled up so I was straddling him and deepened our kiss.

He quickly lifted me up and plunged his large shaft deep inside me.  I moaned out in ecstasy as wave after wave of pleasure built at my center.  I wrapped my hands in his hair as he rocked me back and forth atop of him and with one more deep lunge my center broke and my climax released causing me to scream his name he suddenly rolled me over so I was on my hands and knees and plunged into me again from behind. I couldn't control the moan that escaped my lips from the pleasure he was bringing me.  He reached around in front of me one hand cupping my breast squeezing my nipple while his other hand teasing my small bud.  I was soaking wet and found myself grinding against him to feel him deeper inside me.  I felt my climax building again and with one last deep pulse he sent me over the edge as he spilled his seed deep inside my womb.  We collapsed back onto the forest floor and I found myself drifting back into unconsciousness. 

I don't know how much time had passed but I woke up with a pounding headache.  The sun blazing down onto my face. I sat up and realized I was still dressed had I dreamt the interaction between Caelan and I?  Caelan had also sat up beside me and looked just as confused.  Both of us blushed with thoughts of our dreams, "Did you just dream what I did?" He asked taking my hand and pulling me to my feet.  "You dreamt it too?"  I asked my face heating from more than the sun.  Caelan laughed and pulled me into his arms, "I did dream it, and I'm not going to deny that was by far the most amazing sex I have ever had." 

I groaned at his words covering my face at the memory of what just happened.  Caelan pulled my hand away from my face and lifted my chin so I was looking deep in his eyes.  "You don't ever need to feel embarrassed with me Elise."  He leaned down kissing me deeply and running his hands through my hair.  I pulled away from him gasping for air as he looked at me apologetically. "It was a dream Caelan." I stated firmly not sure who I was trying to remind. "We need to get back to our packs and destroy this stone." He looked at me with a flash of pain in his eyes but just as quickly he faded into his cold self and he quietly led the way through the rest of the forest.

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