Chapter 30

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A gentle hand rubbed my back, "I have been called many things child, but I do believe that's a first." I looked at the man and pulled my arms away. "I'm sorry for some reason I can't explain, I could have sworn you were my father." My face heated with embarrassment but I felt an ache in my heart for the man I missed dearly. "Sometimes in our saddest hours the heart sees what it needs to see." He said giving me a kind smile.

"Why have you been brought here child?" His question brings back the familiar sting of Caelan's accusation, "Prince Caelan believes I am an adulterer and is worried I will not be able to step into Milane because I sullied my Royal name."  I spoke trying to hide the hurt in my voice.  "I see child and what do you believe?" 

I looked at him not fully understanding his question "I..I believe it doesn't matter if I had an affair or not, if Caelan believes I am capable of such debauchery  then he never truly claimed me as his wife to begin with."  "Did you consummate the marriage?"  "Yes sir, the marriage was consummated."  I  immediately began flushing at his question.  "So then does that not mean you were claimed child?" 

"I was claimed physically yes. but I don't think Caelan claimed me the way I claimed him."  I feel my eyes watering again and I look down to keep the elder from seeing my weakness.  "What way is that child?"  I took a shaky breath I didn't want to divulge my feelings to a perfect stranger but I couldn't stop myself, "Caelan has been anything but pleasant to me since the moment I landed in his life, but with that being said there are these moments when his guard is down and I see a gentle side to him.  I don't know what it is about him but I found myself loving him even when I knew I shouldn't like a force that no matter how hard I resisted, pulled me in and captured my heart."  Tears were on my cheeks at the hurt that came with my confession. 

"Do you not feel the same for him anymore?"  I looked around the courtyard thinking about his question Caelan hurt me, it wasn't even how he treated me that hurt the most it was how he judged me.  "I honestly don't know anymore, I am so hurt he could think so lowly of me." 

"My last question for you child, what exactly happened that day in the room with Fenly that he could even mistake it for an affair?"  I explained the whole story to the elder every detail poured from me as if I had just lived it again.  When I finished telling him everything I felt weak and my legs were shaking. 

He pulled a chair out for me and proceeded to sit in one himself.  He gently took my hand in his, "A great disservice was done to you Elise.  Questions went unasked and you are too innocent to understand the jealousy of a man.  Caelan owes you a public apology for making you a pariah the way he did.  You will be welcome in Milane and you will not need Caelan to be with you.  If you so choose, I will beseech King Remi to pardon you from this marriage.  Your husband was supposed to honor and protect you and he did anything but." 

I looked at him deep in his eyes and all I could see was a kindness there my tears fell openly now as I thought over his words.  I could free myself from Caelan and he will no longer have to feel trapped by my presence.   "I think that is what would make him happy."  A pain spreading in my chest. The elder gave me a gentle expression before taking my hand in his, "But what would make you happy?"  I looked in his eyes but this time I had no answer for him. 

I left my meeting with the elder and he spoke before the High Council expressing my innocence of all accusations.  He explained to the Council, King Remi, and Prince Caelan what occurred the day in the observatory.  The Council members  sat in a shocked silence, King Remi fisted his hands and clenched his jaw, but Caelan hung his head in deep shame. The meeting concluded with King Remi placing my tiara back on my head and giving me a sad smile.  He gently cupped my cheek in his hand, "If you wish to be pardoned from this marriage Elise, you ought not but ask."  My eyes watered again my heart was torn my mind knew that I should ask, Caelan's behavior was atrocious but my heart was not ready to say goodbye yet.  "If it is alright with you King Remi, I would really like to get to Milane now." 

The boat left for the west coast of the Seven Realms two days later.  I was given a suite on the deck much like the one Caelan stayed in on the way here.   I had started to fatten up again and by the time we reached Milane I felt refreshed.  An elf was sent in to get me ready for departure.  She dressed me in a pure white riding suit that fit much like the ones Ceri had lent me.  She swept my hair back into a high pony braiding it around my crown and before she left she handed me a pack full of all the necessities for my expedition. 

When I was ready, I walked out of my room and walked down the shaking ramp taking Caelan's hand as he helped me down.  Stepping foot on Milane's shore caused a chain of events.  A large wave captured the ship, throwing the guards that were about to join back into the boat and then carried it back out to the Sea, like it was nothing more than a toy.  Suddenly, the wind picked up around us sending Caelan and I spinning through the air, and just as we had landed roughly on the ground a giant beast came smashing towards us.

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