The Beginning

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Osaka, Japan

        December 28, 2020

"Finally you fucker!" She shouted at her boyfriend while waiting at the park, it was their three year anniversary.
She was excited to see him because he's been working none stop just to make her happy, she loved expensive gifts.
"Baby I missed you." She said and held the man in her arms, but something was off about him.
    "Get off of me whore!" He said and she took a step back, shocked at his sudden outburst.
"I'm sick of buying you things, I'm sick of you!" He shouted and she began to cry, not knowing that danger was near.

     "They look delicious".

"What's wrong with you huh! I loved you and this is how you treat me?" She asked and he didn't reply, not caring about her tears anymore.

     "Humans are so pathetic"

"Answer me damn it!" She shouted, then slapped her now ex boyfriend. He grabbed her by the throat, but someone came out of nowhere and grabbed him.
"You shouldn't do that, look at her she's so fragile." The man says and the boyfriend Snickers, dropping her to the cold concrete ground.

" The man says and the boyfriend Snickers, dropping her to the cold concrete ground

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"Are you okay?" He asked while helping her up, she nodded and took his hand. "I'm Yuta" he said, introducing himself to her. "I'm Joy" she replied.

   "What a joyous day, what a delicious looking woman."

Suddenly Yuta snapped her neck, ripping open her stomach and eating her insides. Blood was all over his mouth, shirt, and his arms. He smiled happily as he finally had his meal for the night, he wasn't a human but a ghoul.
He was a dangerous killer who hunted mostly at night, eating flesh and organs to settle his hunger.
Yuta stood up, licking his lips and looking around making sure no one was around and of course it was empty.
"Thanks for the meal......Joy" He said, then walked away into the night.

(Later That Day)

Osaka, Japan

         10:30am Y/N's House

"Shit where is she? We're going to be late" I said out loud as I packed my bags, me and my sister Joy was going on a trip to America.
Today is my birthday and she surprised me yesterday, I'm so excited.

But my excitement turned into worry because she wasn't answering her phone, she was probably with her boyfriend Johnny.
I called him but he hasn't seen her, they had a fight last night and he left. I was so angry with him for just leaving her on her own.

I told him to come over and he agreed, he wanted to apologise for being an asshole. After waiting for an hour he knocked on the door and I let him in, he had flowers in his hand and set down.
"I wonder where she went." He said and I slapped him, "IT'S YOUR DAMN FAULT! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A CHEATER!" I shouted at him and he just set there.
We suddenly saw the report on the tv, there was another murder last night.

Ghoul: Yuta Nakamoto FFWhere stories live. Discover now