Run, And Keep Running

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Taeyong: "Be king Yuta! I'm not asking you, I'm telling you!" He said harshly but Yuta stood his ground, he wasn't some easy bitch and he knew that.

Yuta: "No! I won't become king, I won't kill Lucas!" He said and we were both in shock.

Yuta: "The only way to become king is to kill the weakest brother, even though Lucas isn't the weakest."

Lucas: "Yes I am! I couldn't even help Kun, he's dead because of me." He said and started to cry.

Yuta: "Stop blaming yourself for that, Kun chose to go alone. Look Lucas I don't care about being king, I only care about you my only kind brother."

Lucas: "You mean that? Thanks bro!"

Yuta: "Don't mention it, now let's go. I hate seeing father's face, get over it old man! I won't become king."

Taeyong: "Then I will kill your special human." He said and suddenly grabbed me from behind, Yuta tried to get to me but his brothers were holding him back..Lucas tried but was slammed against a wall.

Taeyong: "Now how should I kill her Yuta? I bet she'd make a great snack!" He said and cut her cheek, she screamed out in pain and I suddenly said those dreadful words.

Yuta: "STOP! I'LL DO IT ALRIGHT! I WILL BE KING!" I shouted and actually started to cry, knowing what I had to do.

Lucas: "it's okay brother, I still love you." He said and I ripped off his head.

Taeyong: "Now that wasn't so hard! How about you bring your human to the ceremony tomorrow night King Yuta." He said and walked out with the rest of my brothers.

Yuta: "FUCK!" I shouted out and fell to my knees, it's the first time I've ever sobbed so much in my life. I killed him, I killed my own brother for some human!.

You: "Y-Yuta" You said with concern in your voice, I just wanted to stay away from you because I felt like killing you. So I got up and just walked out, all I felt was pure rage and anger.

I decided to run away and never look back, I knew father would come looking for me but I didn't give a fuck! I literally killed the only brother who fucking treated me like family and not a king.
"Yuta what are you doing here?" He asked and I finally realized who it was.
   "Oh hello Suho, I decided to runaway and never go back.. Lucas is dead because of me, BECAUSE OF MY FATHER!" I shouted and he patted me on the shoulder. "It's okay Yuta, feel free to stay here. It's just me and my brother Lay, so there's enough room for you." He offered and I just nodded and went inside.
Suho is my uncle by marriage, after his wife died he left town and moved in with Lay. Suho has never really cared about me or my brothers but we did share a common hate towards my father.
"Thanks for letting stay here" I said and set down on the couch.

Suho: "No problem, so tell me about what happened." He asked so I told him everything.

Suho: "All of this over some human? Yuta what has happened to you? You never cared about humans before, and now Lucas is gone."

Yuta: "I can't explain it myself, I just don't understand what is so special about Y/N. She even allowed me to eat her flesh."

Suho: "My goodness! She's a keeper for sure, free meals without fighting for it. I'm just kidding, but I've heard about this same situation centeries ago. I have to find the book again and I'll let you know what I find out, for now try to rest. Dinner will be served later, it's going to be okay Yuta.. Plus.... I'm going to kill Taeyong."

{End Of Chapter}

Ghoul: Yuta Nakamoto FFTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang