Chapter six 😃👍🏽

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Ight suckers I am back from last year 😎 and I am actually going to put my time in this book I think or guess but anyways starting off from what happen last book Ig but anyways let's get into the book 📖

9 years ago flash back

Y/n pov

"Killua! Sorry I am late I just woke up and got ready but I wanted to get something to ea-" Right before i was done with what I was about to say Killua tackle me to the ground. I open my eyes in shock of seeing white fluffy hair in my face. "Killua get off me!!"  I said yelling in his face, He looks at me then starts to laugh and rolls over. I got up and look at him "What's so funny Kill?" He looks at me as he is starting to calm down " It was...". He started to keep quite and just stare at me, I got weird vibes from it so i just stick up my nice middle finger at him 😎 * ya ya yall know the vibe of this i think* and run to his house. I look behind me to see him chasing after me, i almost trip but lucky me i didn't. Once we made it to his house i bust the doors open only to be stop by his mother. "Darling Y/n welcome back!" she said as she pick me up and hugged me and swing me around "Thank you miss" i said as she puts me down but oh boy may i just say i got pulled away into a room fast *FAST ASF BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY*, I look behind me to see Killua looking mad. "I don't want you around that women" he said looking at me being more serious then he would be "But why can't be around your mo-" right before i was about to be done talking,he block my mouth and just look at me dead. "Please Y/n don't say that i don't claim her as my mother or mom and i just want you to be safe who knows what my crazy family can do to you if your not with me!" he said almost yelling. I looked at him mix with two feelings in my face.. shock and bit of sacredness * i don't know if that is spell right but yea* "Okay i promise i will stop seeing them for you Kill!! and also i want you to promise me something okay?" Killua face look calm and he smiled at me "Okay what's the promise?". I look up at him and put out my pinky "promise me that you will protect me?" my face kinda turned into a frown when he didn't put up his pinky or even anything. Here we are just looking at each other it's almost 5 mins   since he even reply to me and his head is down. I put my pinky down "Never mind i think i should just go" i get up and run through the door quickly and just ran home crying.. i thought he was a good friend but turns out i think he didn't know what to reply back but then it don't make sense because he don't want me to be around his family just like he said they might hurt me if he is not with me which means he wants to protect right? I thought to myself as i went inside my home only moving away. May i just say this day turned out wrong.


UGHHH i am now done with 539 words i am glad because my back hurts just sitting up and writing this for almost a hour mostly cause i was tryin to find sum to make this sad ig but anyways yea ima update after i am done reading a book so yea peace losers! and welcome me back in the comment ya know 😎

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