The Forest

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Y/N shook his head and could feel a sigh escaping his lungs as A2's frustated groan rang through his ears. He stared at the now shut entrance to the commercial facility in front of them. He turned away from the gate and looked at A2 to see her staring angrily at the gate.

"Great." His android companion said, frustation in her voice was evident, "This is just perfect."

"What's wrong?" Y/N asked her, as he pointed at the gate, "Can't we just lift it up?"

"I won't be able to lift it, even if I'll try my best, and besides, If I could do it, wouldn't I have already done that?" A2 answered to which Y/N just nodded in understanding. If an android wouldn't be able to lift it, then he didn't even had to try to know that he wouldn't be able to do it as well.

He rubbed the back of his head, as he asked her another question which popped into his mind, "Is there any other exit from the area that we just entered?"

"Not the one I'm aware of." A2 replied.

Y/N gave her a small nod of his head in response. Hopefully they will find the other way out of this area and they won't end up stuck in there, "We'll find have to find another one, then if we don't want to end up stuck in this area. Hopefully it won't take long."

"Stay close to me." A2 said, as she turned away from the gate, now facing the path ahead of them.

"I know." Y/N said in response as he too turned to look at the path in front of them, having a chance to hear these words so many times during this week.

They pushed themselves into a walk and started heading down the path leading into what Y/N instantly assumed to be a forest. Everything about their surroundings was simply telling him that it was one. He quickly got the confirmation to his suspicions when they stepped further into the path and saw a large tree between the two other paths.

Neither of them could see where the path on the right was leading but the one on the left seemed to be a dead end to both of them, because it was ending with a stony wall as soon as it started. The choice which path to choose next was quite obvious to them. They made their way through the path on the right which took them straight into the forest.

Y/N looked around himself to eye his new surroundings, because it was his first time in this place, but unfortunely didn't had any time to do when a mechanical voice cried out from the distance, "Aim for the enemy android! Engage battle mode!"

A2 instantly reacted to that as her sword instantly appeared in her grasp as she and Y/N turned to the source of the voice to see a few machines standing in the distance. Y/N was not even trying to hide his suprise when his eyes caught their sight.

The machines were charging in what appeared to look like a some sort of formation. There were two rows of three spear wielding small machines charging in front of another machine which rode on top a thing which at first seemed to be an animal but turned out to be another machine which just looked like an animal for some reason. This view quickly made him think of the medieval times.

The machine riding on the animal-like machine rised up it's spear in the air and cried out to it's fellow machines in front of it, "Now! Fight for your king!"

"For the king!" The machines in front of it yelled out in unison as they charged towards the android and the human who they mistaken for another android standing some meters ahead of them.

A2 gave Y/N a quick look and he immediately knew what she meant by that. He stepped backwards a bit as A2 charged at the machines, with the obvious intention of taking all of them out. The human watched how A2 made her way over to the machines and started fighting with them. What made Y/N even more suprised as he watched the fight from his spot was the fact that, these machines didn't seem to attack randomly, once they'd get an opportunity to strike. They actually seemed to have a plan of how to fight back.

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