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( There is no happily ever after. )


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# 𝙾𝙸𝙺𝙰𝚆𝙰 𝚃. ┊ ᥫ᭡ female reader!

INK SPLATTERED OVER thousands of words inside; a fairytale. A fairytale one could only wish to come true. For one to get their happily ever after. The ink dried on the parchment, leaving words blotched out. Like his dreams, it was painted in black and white. One girl, made his once black and white dreams; water colored. A love story unfolded and unwrapped. Oh, how he had loved her till death did them apart. He still loved her dearly. He remembered clearly of her laugh, her smile. Her in general brought a smile to his face. It was like a fairytale, about to get its happily ever after. Such a shame, that everything burned to dust.

Written on the parchment was a unfinished fairytale, one that could never come true with his pens and paper. A love story that could not change nor finish. For it was left, and abandoned in the dust. Waiting for one to pick up a pen and write again, a perfect love story with no flaws. But then again, nothing ever turns out perfect. Oikawa Tooru could only write down his fairytale unfinished, smiling of the fond memories. Pens and paper could only do so
much for him.

But, that was more than enough for him.

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