Chapter 7

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I ran into the imperial, trying to balance on my high heels. I didn't have time to change out of my Chrissy clothes, and we filmed overtime.

"Hello Sierra?" Andrew said as I ran past him.

"I'm late!" I shouted, stopping to take off my shoes and sprinting into my dressing room.

My costume was missing. I ran back out and into the Wardrobe Village, trying find my costume, "Why hello Chrissy," Ramin said, kissing my cheek from behind.

"Hi. Do you know where my costume is?" I asked, looking through the costumes.

"No clue," Ramin said, pulling away, "did you check your dressing room?"

"Shut up with the sarcastic comments," I mumbled, pulling my costume off the rack, "I have to go change and de-slut myself,"

"Can I come?" Ramin smirked, following me.

"I don't care," I rolled my eyes, opening my door.

I stripped off my minimal amount of clothing, throwing on my costume. I pulled my wig on and slapped some make up, rushing through warmups and then running on stage.

After the show, I stage doored and took Ramin with me to go pick up Guiliana at the daycare she goes to after school. She fell asleep in the car, so I carried her inside, tucking her in and kissing her head.

Ramin and I curled up in bed, I laid my head on his chest, "By the way," I said, "do not tell your family about What's Your Emergency until I meet them,"

"Why not?" Ramin whined.

"Because I'm not a slut and I don't want then thinking I am," I explained.

"You're portraying a character, Sie," Ramin said, kissing my temple.

"That's cute. I like Sie. You've never called me that before," I smiled cutely, and he smiled back. His dimples are adorable.

"Just thought of it now," he shrugged, "but they know you have Guiliana. They saw you for your opening night and can't wait to meet you,"

"Well maybe that should happen," I teased.

"Alright," Ramin said.

"Really?" I asked, sitting up.

"Ya. They've been pestering me to bring you home. My parents moved to Long Island- after I moved here- so they could be closer to me. And my brother Shervin got married and moved there with his wife too," he explained.

"It'll have to be after I finish the web series. I barely have time to function now, much less throwing in another thing to do," I explained.

"Ya, of course. I'll call them tomorrow," he smiled, pressing his lips against mine.

I closed my eyes, feeling myself pulled into a deep sleep.

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