Chapter 1

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I slapped my alarm, mumbling for it to shut up. Pushing myself out of bed, I turned on my bedroom light.

I'd much rather be curled up in bed, trying to actually get some sleep. But no, that can't happen today.

I'm going to be Fantine in Les Miz on Broadway. Today I'm going to the theater to meet the cast and rehearse.

I took a shower extremely quick, just washing my hair and shaving. When I got out, it was just turning seven o'clock.

I got dressed as quick as I could- wearing black skinny jeans, a red v neck tee shirt, a black blazer, a white scarf, and white wedge heels. Just as I was putting on red lipstick, I heard her running around. Her tiny feet pitter pattering against the hardwood floor.

"Mommy," she chimed tiredly, coming into my room.

"Baby," I cooed, bending down to eye level, "if you're still tired then go back to sleep," she was still in her pajamas, clutching her teddy bear in her arm, her eyes almost closed.

I carried her back to her room, tucking her in to her Snow White comforter. My little girl- Guiliana- is such an adorable child.

I went back to my room, quickly finishing my makeup. Once I thought I looked young, official, and nonmotherly enough, I ran into the kitchen.

I hurriedly made a huge stack of pancakes, woke and dressed Guiliana, then got her into the car for daycare.

"Be good, G," I kissed her forehead and sent her into the play room, waving to the owner.

"I love you mommy!" she shouted back, and I waved again before running out the door.

I rushed to the theater, slowly walking in. I didn't know where I was supposed to go, so I asked one of the crew members, "Oh, they're rehearsing right now. You can just go in," I nodded, thanking the person.

I pushed open the doors for the theater, the overwhelming sound of the cast rehearsing One Day More fill my ears. I stayed as silent as I could, slowly walking down the aisle.

"Okay, take five," Cameron said, and everyone sighed and walked up stage.

"She's here!" A young looking girl chimed, waving at me.

I put my purse down on one of the seats, walking to where Cameron was, "Hi," I said cheerfully, "I'm Sierra,"

"Hi Sierra," he smiled, shaking my hand, "I'm Cameron," I smiled back, "come meet everyone,"

Some people introduced themselves, and everyone seemed so nice, "I'm Ramin, I'm Jean Valjean," I studied his face. Their was something so familiar about him.

"Oh!" I cheered, pointing at him, "I know you!"

"Do you?" He asked, completely confused.

"Ya, we did-"

"Into the Woods!" We said at the same time, and I blushed after.

"I totally remember now," he said, "you were little red riding hood,"

"And you were Jack," I said, giggling, "ahh the memories,"

The rest of the company was rather amused with our reunion, but they all were really nice.

We started rehearsing, and it was all really easy. I'd played the part before, almost eighteen months on the West End, so it was just minor blocking changes.

Everyone was completely impressed with my voice, "who would have thought that such a tiny little girl could have such a big voice," Andrew Kober had said teasingly. I could get used to hanging around these people.

Sam Hill, Andrew Kober, Chris McCarrell, Will Swenson, Andy Mientes, and Nikki M James were all in Ramin's dressing room, just sitting around and talking.

"So tell us about yourself," Ramin said, "even though I know quite a bit about you,"

"Uh, my name is Sierra," I said obviously, "I'm engaged,"

"To who?" Sam squeaked.

"Tam Mutu, he was my phantom," I explained, "I've been in a bunch of Broadway shows. My debut was Into The Woods, and I've done The Little Mermaid, Phantom of the Opera, and It Shoulda Been You,"

"That's quite the résumé," Andy said, clearly impressed.

"Ya. I haven't been on for a while though. I've been a bit preoccupied," I left out Guiliana on purpose.

My phone buzzed, and I saw that I had a text from Tam. Hey, I'll be home early tonight. Love you...

I silently got giddy, replying that I loved him too. I locked my phone, my smile not faltering.

"Who's that?" Nikki asked, pointing to my background of Guiliana and I.

"Her?" I asked, "that's, uh, my daughter,"

"You have a daughter?" Will asked.

"Ya, her name is Guiliana. I just call her G for short. She's five," I showed everyone the picture, nervous of their reactions to a 23 year old woman with a 5 year old daughter.

"She's so cute," Sam chimed.

"Ya," I mumbled.

"Daymn," Chris eventually said, "you one hot momma,"

"That was weird," I said, "and now I'm creeped out,"

"He's harmless," Ramin said from beside me, putting a hand on my leg, "he acts like a hormonal sixteen year old sometimes, but he has the vocal cords of a fifty year old,"

"I love you all," I said, standing, "but I have to go pick G up. I'll be back tomorrow,"

I got a little lost on the way out, but eventually got back to my car. I picked up Guiliana and brought her home, not telling her about Tam being home.

I pushed open the door, Tam standing there, "Daddy!" Guiliana shouted, jumping into his arms, "I missed you!"

Tam had been in the UK for five months, working on a show. I guess he left.

"How long are you back for?" I asked stubbornly, putting my keys and bag down.

"A couple days. I'm only here to visit," he said, kissing Guiliana's head and not looking at me.

He's been pushing me away lately, not texting me back and ignoring my calls and facetimes, "Come on G, off to bed," she bounced away, closing her bedroom door.

"Sierra," Tam said as I changed in my room, "we need to talk,"

"What about?" I asked as gently as I could.

"I don't want to get married."

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