Blue hatred part 1

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Alright, thanks for the suggestion Aishadol2006

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Alright, thanks for the suggestion Aishadol2006

(mention: Blue being abused just like Kai said in the tumblr, hatred!blue au, revenge)

Blue: hey Paps, I make you a breakfast!

S.Papyrus: ugh, I rather eat sh*t than your food.


S.Papyrus: what wrong? Is our little Blueberry gonna cry, aww such a pathetic.

Blue: I'll go see Alphys now.... See ya Paps

S.Papyrus: stop calling me 'paps' idiot! No wonder Alphys wont let you enter the royal guard because you always gave people a stupid nicknames

Blue: I know.....

Blue is walking out as usual to meet Alphys but then there a gray kid picking up some flowers.

Blue: heya kid, i never seen you before. Whatcha name?

Core: Core.... Can I ask you something?

Blue: sure,

Core: do you still having hopes on them?

Blue: Hope on who?

Core: on everyone you know. Your brother, your friends and your enemies

Blue: I...I dont-

Core: that what I though. You lose hope on everyone but that ok, I can help you.

Blue: you want to help me?

Core: yup, we meet again tommorow in here.

Core is walking away from Blue but she handle a knife before she go.

Blue pov*
Why would a child gave me a knife? Nevermind, I should go to Alphys now or she might go hard on the training.

A few minutes later*

S.Alphys: late again huh? What happen this time.

Blue: nothing much, just usual morning route

S.Alphys: right...... So what are you waiting for? Get you armour and fight me

Blue: alright.

Soon after Blue finished his training. Alphys notice that there a knife on Blue's bagpack. She ask him about it, Blue said there was a gray kid gave it to him. Alphys nodded and told him to leave.

Blue: I am back brother....

S.Papyrus: stop calling me your brother! You just a BIG MISTAKE

Blue: I'll go to my room now

Soon after Blue reach to his room, he found something under his bed. He take a look at it and...............

Crash !!!!!!

( i'll make part 2 soon,)

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