first day

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It takes her 45 minutes to get to U.A., which is 40 minutes too long in her opinion. Usually she'd have a bit more patience when it came to things like this, but not when the journey was a 41 minute train ride. A train ride crowded with people, where no one looked each other in the eyes and commercials played constantly.

The only savior to her otherwise tedious ride was music. ( Which she couldn't hear that much of anyway, because her left earbud was broken and she didn't want to bother Dad with getting another set. Even if they are only ten dollars at the convenience store. )

Speaking of Dad, he hasn't been home for the last week. He still likes to call her every night though, which she supposes she can appreciate. He said he would be back in the next two weeks. She has no clue whether or not that's true or not.

( She doesn't trust him as much after the years of lying. )

With the last ounce of luck she probably held, she was able to get an actual seat on the train and not be forced to stand. The next few stops included lots of people getting off, and then a small deposit of people getting on. She doesn't bother trying to look at the people who get on. There's no reason to. She'll never see them again, so she doesn't understand that point.

There's this one thing she saw once, that the people in your dreams are faces that you had seen before. Because the brain never really forgets anything it sees, more so pushes it to the side. The fact makes her wonder if she's ever been in a random person's dreams. Just as a side character, another face they won't remember when they wake up.

She'd be a scary thing to see in your dream, she thinks. The baggage her eyes hold is enough to hold enough clothing for a two week long journey away from home, and her choices of attire are nothing more than ragged.

She flinches slightly as a brief case slaps her knees as the woman holding it moves to get off the train. Another group of people get off the train, and only about ten get on now. The time on her phone says that she only have another five minutes on the train, and the next stop should be hers. 

The anxiety one faces when the first day of school comes just now begins to settle into her bones. She knows that she's not in a big important course like the hero course, but that still doesn't mean getting into U.A. isn't a big deal. When she had told her father, he had been ecstatic. ( The tuition to go to U.A. is expensive, but Dad refuses to talk to her about family money and how they're doing. He says he doesn't want her worrying about money, she needs to live her teenage years. [ She worries anyway. ] )

All of the teachers at U.A. are pro heroes, and she blinks aggressively as a form to remember who her T.A. teacher had been. She believes that it's Midnight, which will just be an absolute joy

The intercom overhead blares the stop that is just now approaching, which is her own. After standing up and getting ready to leave, she realizes that there were actually a lot more U.A. students on this train than she had assumed there were. Obviously she has no idea how long they've been on the train, but it would be a little nice if someone lived near her. 

( She doubts it though, her area is practically becoming a slum and drug dealing town. Any sensible person would get their children out of it quickly. )

The walk from here is only about four minutes, which is rather easy to deal with. Ahead of her she can see other students entering the gates with their ID cards and excited faces. A part of her feels like the gates are going to crush her when she walks through them, even if she does have her ID card with her. Wait, she does have it, right? Yeah, yes, she has it; sorry.

The building of UA is hard to look at with the sun shining on it. The hundreds of windows reflect the light of the rising sun and it burns against her eyelids. She stares at the ground a few feet in front of her instead.

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