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Name: Azrael (Angel of Death) , named this from the gods because she is one loved and helped by all Gods and Nature, while bringing judgment down upon enemy's with great strength, intelligence, and elegance.

Nickname: Raz

Number: Mugen (∞), in other disguises she is #9

Code Names:
By her enemies she is known as the Angel of Death, for speedy kills and not one trace is left of her at the scene
By the public she is known as the Messiah, known for her kindness, sacrifices, and justice.
To her friends she is known as Raz.

Gender: Female however likes dressing as a male more because she is less underestimated and conceals her identity, despises female clothing because they feel weird.

Current Age:6

Organization: Ultimate Blue (UB) strongest organization in the world that serves no country. They are so strong that no one actually knows if it exists or not because they do their jobs so incredibly that it is like a legend. However regardless all organizations both good and bad don't want to move against them because if they do anything that threatens the world on a large scale they will be wiped out. Contains highly skilled people of all ages and positions, they have an enormous amount of connections. However it is said that there are 9 that are said to be able to alter the course of history and the creator of the organization known as Ultimate Blue (UB) however the creator is said to be number Mugen (∞) Japanese word for infinity because it is said that she/he has infinite amount of strength and is impossible to beat.

Organization position: creator and strongest person in organization known as the Angel of Death or messiah

Hair Color:
Naturally midnight Black (but can change due to ability that is kept secret currently) and is kept short like a boys hair cut due to organization (picture above)

Eyes: glowing Electric blue with silver and gold flecks during the day and blood red at night, and a tattoo goes from her eyebrow to her mid cheek (from birth) she naturally has an infinity sign (∞) in her eye but can conceal it unless she gets angry or activates her abilities.
Rumor about eyes: some people believe that when the sun goes down it is sealed into her eyes making them red until the and when the moon gets sealed in her eyes and the sun returns her eyes turn electric blue representing the moon.

Hight: 3'3 1/2 feet (shorter then normal)

No one knows who she is and who her parents are. She has been isolated from the world and kept by a major wanted by the government, illegal organization and has been experimented on, tortured, and trained to be a lethal killer because of her abilities.(they only know that she can heal fast and not of her other abilities).

scars over every inch of her body except face due to continuous torturing a few exotic tattoos over her back and shoulder (from birth and bond with her partner). She could make them disappear however she keeps the to look more threatening and as a reminder of who she is and not to lose herself to darkness.

Control over elements, super strength, heightened senses (hearing, smell, etc.), rapid healing (for herself and can direct it to heal others), can talk to animals, transform into any animal, can wield any weapon however her favorites are double blades, fists and ninja tools and scythe . Can go into and create dimensions. Can learn at a rapid pace. Chakra.Has many other abilities not yet known of.

Motherly, quiet but when she does talk it is filled with authority and leadership,isn't afraid to speak her mind, hardworking, doesn't show pains internally or externally, mysterious,kind to friends, ruthless to enemies , cheerful, traumatized, can make friends easily but they have to work for her complete trust but once you have it she is completely trusting and loving,clever,innocent to opposite gender, gets into fights easily even if she attempts to avoid it, tends to attract trouble, unaware of her beauty, people tend to follow her and admire her, and many of the recruits of ultimate blue were because of all the people she has saved and decided to join. Continuously trains to get stronger to protect and accomplishes goals.

Partners/older brothers:
Seiryu (god) - Azure Dragon, controls Spring and Wood, can transform into spring creature
Suzaku (god) -Phoenix controls Summer and Fire, can transform into any flying creature
Byakko (god)- White Tiger, controls Autumn and Metal, can transform into any land creature
Genbu (god)- Black Tortoise, controls Winter and Water, can transform into any reptile or sea creature
Ōryū (High God)- Golden Dragon, controls the Changing Seasons and Earth, can transform into anything mythical or real (he appeared when of all of them fuse together and the most powerful form they don't like being in this form because while they share one body they have 4 different minds)
...they are extremely protective over her and can talk inside her head. They tend to stay in her body by choice but when the come out they can transform into different forms they know she can take care of herself because she has just as strong as them or stronger but tend to help out occasionally so they don't get rusty except when she is in her state of shock then they come out and protect her until she recovers.

Medical conditions:
Shock- she gets into this state that lasts 1 week every year where she enters a state of weakness and goes into a coma to regain strength if touched by an external force she will on reflex kill anything in the vicinity besides her partners, to protect others around her she transports to another dimension which she created for training.
Trauma- although she doesn't show it she hates hospitals, confinement, and people who smell like got this through continuous torturing and having people after her kill anyone she came into contact with.

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