An Eddsworld Christmas (TomTord)

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-Tord's P.o.v.-

Yes yes yes it's Christmas Eve!! Edd, Matt and I are putting the last touches on the tree. I think Tom's in his room all alone though. I mean he hates Christmas, but why does he always like to be by himself? I think this year I'll be nice and do something for him.. but what?? "Anddd there! The tree's all done!" I hear Edd say happily. I turn to face it. The tree decorated in all its shining and colorful glory. I love Christmas! Now back to what I'm going to do for Tom... Oh I know a card!!

"Hey guys I'm going to my room for the night, merry Christmas Eve and I'll see you guys tomorrow morning!" I say rushing to my room, not even waiting for their replies. I throw my door wide open and collect all the supplies I need for his card. Glitter, colored pencils, glue and other materials. I sit down at my desk and begin my work. I drew a really nice Christmas tree on the front. I did pretty darn good if I say so myself. It had lights, a star and even some ornaments. Then I began working on the inside of the card. Writing a nice special message for him. I finished the card and realized I'd been working on it for over 2 hours. Damn I must really want to make this nice.

I walk out of my room and tip toe to Tom's bedroom door. I can hear him snoring. Well I could leave the card in his room since he's sleeping. After a couple seconds of debating on the idea I quietly opened his door and snuck into his room with his card. As quietly as I possibly I snuck over to his bedside table and placed the card down. I looked over at the sleeping man in his bed and smile. He looks so peaceful. I stare at him for a bit. He's kinda cute when he's sleeping. I like when we aren't at each other's throats all the time. He's actually a really cool guy. I started to lean forward to get a better look at him when I start to fall. I couldn't catch myself and I hit the floor with a loud thud.

•Tom's P.o.v.•

I was dreaming about setting every Christmas tree on fire when I hear loud thud and a yelp in my dream causing me to jolt awake. "What who's there?" I ask a bit nervous. I look around then down at the floor. "Commie?! What are you doing in my room?" I say in a relieved but annoyed tone. Tord got up to his feet from the floor, he began to stutter about how he heard a weird noise from my room and came to check to see what it was. I shook my head not believing him for a second. With a sigh I look over to my bedside table and see a card. I freeze looking at it for a minute.

"Tord... Did you make that?" I ask in a soft almost whisper. There was a loud gulp that echoed across the room. "Y-Yeah I did..." Tord said barely audible. I looked at him and the then back at the card a couple times. Slowly I reached out grabbing the card. The front looks so nice. Like a professional made it. I smiled, but just barely. Carefully I opened it and began to read.

'Dear Tom,
I know Christmas isn't your favorite holiday but this year I wanted to make you something... not much I know but I want you to know even though we fight, well I do really care about you. Maybe more than I probably should, but I do. Well merry Christmas! I hope this card makes it a little better..


I looked at Tord in shock... He cares about me?? I noticed Tord was backing away with tears in his eyes. "Wait Tord!" I jumped out of bed pulling him into an actual caring embrace. I could feel Tord tense up, "Shhh it's okay Tord. To be honestly I um... I care about you too." I pull away from the hug to look Tord in the eyes. Tord's body relaxed and he pulled me into another hug, a bit tighter hug this time. I smiled and hugged back just as tight. After a few moments Tord pulled away and looked at the floor then at me. "Can I uhh stay in here with you for a bit?" He asked. I nodded grabbing his hand and pulling him to my bed.

°Third Person P.o.v.°

The two men sat together on Tom's bed. They began talking about anything and everything they could. They talked a bit about why Tom hates Christmas, about each other and how their fighting was only to cover up how they actually felt for each other. They also talked about how Edd and Matt will react to them. They both laughed at that idea. Tord scooted closer to Tom. Tom noticed and wrapped his arm around Tord. They began to cuddle and soon they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

□Time Skip to Christmas Morning□

◇Matt's P.o.v.◇

  I hear my alarm clock go off. It's Christmas!! I jump out of bed and run out of my room screaming "Guys it's Christmas!!" I hear Edd's door open once I make it into the hall. I rush over to great him. "Merry Christmas Matt!" Edd says very excitedly and happily. I start jumping up and down from excitement. "Hey Matt, do you have any idea where Tom and Tord are?" I shook my head no. Edd looks in Tord's room so I decided to check Tom's room.

  "Edd I found them.." Edd comes over and smirks. He pulls out his phone and takes a picture of Tom and Tord sleeping together. Tom wakes up first. "Edd you diddly darn it, delete that!!" Tom yelled which I think woke up Tord. They both jumped out of bed and looked away from each other. Edd grabs my arm and we run into the living room laughing. I look under the tree to see so many presents! I jump with joy. I kneel down with all the presents and smiled wider. Tord comes running in next with Tom right behind him. I start opening my gifts not even paying attention to the angry duo.

-Tord's P.o.v.-

  While Matt and Edd were distracted I grab Tom's hand pulling him into the kitchen. I sneakily peck his lips making Tom blush a bit. "Merry Christmas Tom." Tom smirks an evil-ish smirk and pulls me into a long but sweet kiss. I pull away when I hear Edd giggling. "Edd darn you!" Tom mutters under his breath. Edd just whistles turning away with a smile. Tom tapped my shoulder getting my attention. "You know Commie you've made this Christmas actually quite enjoyable. Thank you." He says and pulls me into a gentle but tight hug. We let go of each other. "We should probably get back to Edd and Matt." I say. Tom nods and we walk back to the living room. Edd looked at us with a smug look on his face. This is going to be a long Christmas.

>authors note<

Well I'm late for this story wanted to actually write it for Christmas but my house lost power and once power came back there was no internet. Just got it back today. Well merry late Christmas to everyone!! If anyone reads this enjoy! Byeeee!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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