"Playdate" (TomEdd)

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~..Tom's P.o.v..~

Aww man I have to go to Edd's house today.. This is dumb. As a seventeen year old I should be able to say when and why I want to go to a friends house, without being told I have too. Oh and my mother keeps calling it a playdate. Edd's a year older and doesn't call it a playdate. Seriously I'm too old for "a playdate". As I continued to walk I tripped over a rock on the sidewalk and fell right on my side. "Hey Tom, that looked like it hurt!" I heard a voice say as I laid on the ground in agony. "No it felt wonderful Matt.." I got up and glared at him. "Well it sure didn't look it. You should fall with more style, also where are you heading?" I looked at him with pure annoyance while brushing all the dirt off of my clothes. "I'm going to Edd's house for the day. Also my fall was very graceful!" Matt just laughed. I started to walk and Matt followed. I guess I'll have company for this walk.

Within ten maybe twelve minutes we made it to Edd's house. When we made it to the front lawn I noticed Matt was looking at me with a smug look on his face, as if he knew something. "What's that look for dude?" I ask. Matt smiled and shrugged, lovely he's not going to tell me. "Well see you later Tim!" With a smirk and a wink he was off. I looked at him confused. I didn't even get to tell him it's Tom not Tim. Oh well. I walked up to the front door and knocked. Within a second the door flung open. "Hey Tom!"

~..Edd's P.o.v..~

"Hey Tom!" I say as I drag him inside. I close the door behind Tom and turn to face him. He doesn't look too happy. "You okay?" I ask. He looks at me, his eyes seemed to be filled with annoyance. "Yeah I'm fine. I just fell on the way here and ran into Matt as well, such an eventful day in such a short time." Tom gently punched my shoulder and I smiled. "Well I'm glad you're okay, do you want to go in the living room and play some video games?" Tom smiled and nodded. "Great I just got a new game, you might not of heard of!" As we walked into the living room I couldn't help but glance at Tom a couple times. He thank goodness never noticed.

We sat down on the floor, then turned on the game console and I pulled out the game. "Huh, I've never heard of that game Edd. I'm guessing it's about pirates.. and zombies." I laughed. "It's Return of the Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell 3, based on the movie!" I said happily. "Cool is it multi-player?" Tom asked. I nodded and started the game up. It booted up, I quickly handed Tom a controller. As we started to play I couldn't help but stare at Tom for a few seconds every few minutes. He didn't notice at first, then he turned to face me for a second while I was looking at him. I looked away as soon as our eyes met. A second later I felt my face heat up. Dammit. "Haha yes I did it!! I beat you Edd!" I didn't even realize that I lost because I looked at Tom too much.. "You only beat me because you were lucky~" I said in a sassy tone. Tom stuck his tongue out at me. I decided to be risky and poke his tongue. I laughed, I also noticed Tom was blushing. There was a loud rumble that bellowed out into the living, it was Tom's stomach rumbling. "Hey I have an idea, let's put our controllers away and have lunch." I offered. Tom nodded and we did just that.

~..Third Person P.o.v..~

The two young men ran into the kitchen. "I er forgot we only have cereal..." Tom smiled, "any food is good at this point!" He said. They get their bowls, the milk, spoons and of course the cereal. As they're eating Tom asks a question, "What kind of cereal is this?" Edd looks at the box. "A random generic brand that is pancake flavored!" Tom says something while chewing that the green hoodie man couldn't hear. Then there was silence for a couple seconds until... slurp. Tom looked over at Edd who had the bowl to his lips and was slurping the milk. "Stop slurping your milk you flipping weirdo!" Tom said as he put his spoon in his bowl. Sluurp! Tom smirked, he had an idea.

He quickly took Edd's bowl. Then he put his face right in Edd's. Edd immediately started to blush. In a panic he leaned forward instead of back. Their lips connected for a split second before Edd pulled away. He was horrified, his and Tom's friendship could be over from this! "T-Tom I'm so sorry!!" His eyes started to water. "I'm so sorry. I feel awful, please it was an accident.." Tom grabbed the others hand, "First off, Edd it's okay and secondly come here I wanna tell you something." Edd gulped at Tom's words. He honestly thought Tom was going to slap him or worse. Yet he leaned closer anyways. Edd closed his eyes scared of what was about to happen. He felt lips collide with his. His eyes fluttered open for a second, only to see Tom's lips on his.

~..Tom's P.o.v..~

My lips collided with Edd's. I don't think he knew how to react. I pulled away, Edd was blushing bright red. I poked his cheeks. "I wasn't expecting that!" I chuckled while he looked away. There was a couple moments of silence. I moved closer to Edd and wrapped an arm around him. "So um... you're not mad?" I shook my head no. I put a hand on Edd's head then ruffled his hair. "I knew you liked me anyway you Eddie boy, and honestly I like you too." He smiled grabbing my hand and dragging me to the couch. Well good thing I was done eating.

I sat down and Edd sat down right next to me. We  then started to cuddle. He's such a sweetie and cutie. I thought to myself. I boop the cutie's nose and he smiled. "Hey Tom you should call your mom to see if you sleep over!" I pulled out my phone immediately and dialed her. The phone picked up after three rings. "Hey mom, I think I'm going to sleep over at Edd's if that's okay.." There was silence for a moment. "Ugh.. okay just behave yourself and have manors." I smiled, "Okay mom, thank you so much!!" I hung up and kiss Edd again, this time a little longer then the other two. I pulled away first. "Oh she said yes I can." Edd wrapped his arms around me and we cuddled again. I laid down on the couch with my Edd leaning on me. Soon I heard snoring and realized he was asleep. Not wanting to wake him and because I was also tired, I fell asleep cuddling Edd.


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