Camp Counselors (EddMatt)

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~..Edd's P.ov..~

Holy lonely pony eating macaroni being a camp councilor is super duper hard!! Thank goodness the kids, well middle aged kids group.. my group is pretty well behaved. "That is how you make a smiley face with uncooked pasta!" I lifted up my plate with the macaroni art on it. It doesn't look half bad. "Wow that's horrible!" I heard on of the other counselor's said, I knew that voice from anywhere it's Edduardo...

"Thank you Mr. Edduardo.." I said in a sad but composed tone. The kids in my group laughed at my masterpiece. Rude. Jeez Edduardo is a meanie panini. Right before Mr. Meanie Panini could walk away I heard another voice say, "I think that pasta art is amazing!" I smiled. That was another counselor of the younger kids group. His name is Matt, and he's a sweet bean and one of my closest friends. "Why thank you Matt." I said starting to brighten up. I turned to face Edduardo only to see him fuming, I did my best to hold back my laughter. "Alright kids lets start cleaning up!" I said while Edduardo stormed away.

"Hey thank you Matt by the way!" I said looking in his direction. He was looking right at me with a smile. Then he nodded and said "of course, I mean it is really really cool." My mood and smile brightened up even more. The kids were just about done cleaning up the left over macaroni and glue, I helped too of just not as much as the kids. Talking to Matt really passed the time. "Okay let's go back to the main camp grounds kiddos!!" Matt said with a giddy tone. As we walked back I asked Matt "hey where is your group of kids?" He looked at me and laughed. "Do you think I left them Edd?" I jokingly nodded. WHAT I WOULD NEVER!" Matt yelled almost defensively. "Matt calm down, I was only kidding," I felt bad, so I gave Matt a big ol' hug.

We made it back to the main camp grounds within a few minutes. It felt like only a few seconds. Oh how time flies. It was just about closing time at the camp, parents were lined up at the entrance all waiting to drive up and collect their children. I sat down next to Matt and his and my group sat together and talked. "Hey Edd, do you want to maybe do something together after camp is done for the day?" I smiled and nodded very excitedly. "Yes, yes I'd love too!!" I kinda squealed with joy. Matt gave me a quick pat on the back. "See you at the entrance at six then!" He said, got up and walked away. I didn't even realize all the kids in our groups were gone. I'm stupid heh.

~Time Skip to 5:45pm~

~.Matt's P.o.v..~

Oh my goodness it's getting so late, I need to get ready faster.. I quickly brushed my teeth as quickly as I could. Why am I such a slow poke?! When my teeth were as pearly as ever I put on my purple hoodie and ran out of the cabin. I ran until I made it to the entrance with only less then five minutes to spare. Edd walked into view within a minute or two after me. "Hey you look great!" I said to Edd. His face was starting to turn pink, how cute. "T-Thank you." Edd said. I offered my hand and he gently grabbed it. Then we started to walk. "Soo where are we going exactly?" Edd asked me as we walked. "I know a little spot. We're almost there just five more minutes." I said as I picked up the pace just a tad. We made it a few minutes later. It was a clearing in the woods right by the camp. "Oh it's so pretty here!!" Edd squeaked. There's a nice group of rocks with no moss on them and I pulled him over to them. The cool crisp air hit our faces and for me, it felt really nice.

As we were sitting fireflies started to come out, fireflies are so pretty. We watched them fly up into the dimming sky. I turned to face Edd and wrapped my arm around his waist. He smiled and turned to face me. I booped his nose and he laughed. "Silly Eddie, trix are for kids!" I said with a smile. I leaned closer to him. He didn't notice. I waited a second and leaned closer. He noticed, his blush came flooding back to his cheeks. Then I closed the cap between us. The kiss was sweet, short but sweet. His lips were so very soft. The kiss filled me with warmth and joy. The fireflies and beautiful darkening sky made is a moment I will never ever forget.

I pulled away and stared into his brown chocolate eyes. Edd was smiling and blushing like a mad man. His eyes fluttered open and he giggled. "Hey Matt?" i heard a soft voiced Edd ask, "Yes?" I answered back with a question as well. Edd was looking up at the now just about dark sky. "Can we just lay here and watch the stars?" I nodded and laid down, he laid next to me one second after.

We then star gazed for a bit but I think Edd was just looking at the sky and me, mostly me. I couldn't stop smiling. This night was incredibly amazing. Im such a lucky guy. Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a loud horn that rang out loudly to signify we had to head back to the camp grounds for curfew. Ugh it's so annoying.

I got up first and extended my arm out to Edd, he smiled and grabbed it then pulled himself up. We walked back hand and hand to the camp. Edduardo just stared with an angered and annoyed glare, Edd didn't even notice which was a wonderful thing. I gave Edd one more hug and kissed his forehead goodnight. "Night Eddie, sweet dreams." I booped his nose one more time and turned away. "Goodnight Matt, have a good night's sleep" he said then closed the door to his cabin. I walked back to mine. Today and this night were absolutely amazing. I made it back to my cabin and laid down on my bed. I can't wait to hear Edduardo's mouth when he comes to sleep. Thank goodness he's not Edd's cabin mate...

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