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—R E A D E R' S  P O I N T  O F  V I E W

"Well if it isn't the world's biggest whore." Ino stood before me with a smirk.

A smug grin became present on my face as I responded, "Don't you think that's an odd way to introduce yourself?"

Winking, I walked past her and entered the cafeteria. She was a pest but I never had a problem with becoming an exterminator. Sasuke could be seen chatting with Kakashi, Sakura was cuddling with Lee who couldn't stop smiling, Kurenai was tickling Rin who'd been on the back of Hanare, Naruto was lightly tapping the face of an unconscious Hinata while Neji scolded him. Gai seemed to be alone today which was weird since he'd usually be beside Lee.

I approached him with a small smile, "Single life isn't as fun as I make it seem huh?"

Gai looked at me for a slight second before looking down, "It isn't that."

"Seems like it kid." I responded shrugging, "Whatever's got you down it's gotta be something major so speak."

Gai inhaled sharply, "I think I'm going bald.."

I blinked, "Ga-"

"No, don't try to make me feel like this isn't serious because it is." He began to sob before running away, "MY YOUTH! IT'S LEAVING ME!"

I watched him leave with utter confusion written across every inch of my face. I hadn't even realized Itachi sneaked up on me until he placed his fingers over my eyes and his scent entered my nostrils again, "Guess who?"


"Uh, No? Do I smell like fish?"

I laughed louder than I should have made Itachi smile at me. 'He's such an adorable one.' I thought while calming down. I pulled him with me to the lunch table where the Akatsuki sat. We stared into each other's eyes and refused to break contact even as we sat.

'His eyes are mesmerizing.'

Sasori interrupted our staring contest by clearing his throat quite loudly but also rudely. In an instant we looked away with smiles on our faces. My cheeks felt like they'd been baking brownies as they heated up. I'll never get over how attractive Itachi is.

"Well aren't you two closer than ever?" Konan joked with a giggle.

Sasori growled, "Too close."

"Definitely." Hidan agreed, crossing his arms with a hmph.

Obito smiled kindly, "I think the two of them are actually cute."

Sasori gasped, grabbing him by his shirt, "I'll rearrange your insides."

I rolled my eyes as they began to bicker. Obito doesn't really know who he prefers me with but I can agree that Itachi and I'd make an adorable couple. Itachi chuckled at their actions and pulled out his phone. I made eye contact with Pain who'd been silently watching me while eating.

Panicking, I looked over to Kisame who'd been swallowing his shrimp. He'd been rather quiet today which was rare for him. Kisame was the joking, smiling, flirty, and mischievous type. It wasn't like him to be so silent.

"Kisame are you alright?" I asked with a small frown.

He nodded but his eyes hadn't met mine. My eyes then peered back over to Itachi. It seemed he'd been observing Kisame's odd behavior as well. I thought over something for a second before speaking, "Itachi do you wa-"

"Hey halfwit." I turned around to glare at the idiot who interrupted me but my eyes met Sasuke's, "Join us for a walk around campus."

Behind him stood three others who'd been in their own worlds. Itachi blinked thrice while looking at Sasuke before looking back at me. I sighed, "What's in it for me, idiot?"

⑉𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙉𝙊𝘽𝙄'𝙎 𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora