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—R E A D E R S  P O I N T   V I E W

"Pain is such a pain sometimes."

The thought lingered as I approached my comrades with a small sigh. They'd been standing by my locker chatting about something. Hidan being the first to notice me gave me his normal flirtatious wink. Placing my hand on my hip I stood before them batting my eyelashes dramatically.

"I'm here so if you don't mind could you explain why you suddenly felt the need to spam my phone Pain?"

Konan chuckled at the irritated expression on my face, "It was worth it~"

Glaring at her, "I told you all I wanted to sleep in today but he insisted so I came."

"You've gained a lot of weight.." Kisame chuckled before winking, "In all the right places."

Hidan then growled, "Don't test your luck fish bait."

Kisame's eyes then grew, "What'd you-"

"Please stop being immature!" I snapped before turning my head to Pain, "Explain yourself."

His eyes stared harshly into mine making me squeak, "We have a new addition to the Akatsuki."

Deidara suddenly spoke, "He's quite the show off." He then leaned on Sasori who shoved him off soon after.

Excitement was present in my eyes "This isn't happening.." I said, starting to bounce lightly.

"It isn't." Hidan placed a hand on my shoulder forcing my feet to stay grounded, "Just because he's got the sharingan doesn't mean you'll be making any moves on him."

"Making the moves on who?"

Eyes snapped to Kisame who looked confused. He'd been strolling through his phone after I ignored his dumb attempt of a flirt. By the look on his face he had no idea who we'd been talking about.

"Oh wait you're talking about Itachi?" He chuckled, "She hasn't even seen him, how could she do that?"

Sasori groaned, "No one cares."

I rolled my eyes, "No one asked."

"No one CARES"

"No one ASKED"

The two of us began to argue nonstop until pain yanked Sasori back by his hair. I immediately shut up hiding behind Hidan who smirked pridefully. Sasori and I usually got into meaningless arguments.

I mean who wouldn't argue with their rude ex....

"I'd like for you to teach him the basics and everything he'd need to know about joining us." Pain stated staring at me, "Are we clear?"


—K A K A S H I' S  P O I N T  O F  V I E W

I yawned while my teacher continued to explain the homework assigned for tonight. My eyes scanned the room for someone in particular, her. She owed me some serious money for putting that dead rat in Sasori's sandwich.

I raised my hand to use the men's room once I couldn't spot her. The girls in my classroom begin to squeal about how I raised my hand in such an attractive manner but I chose to ignore them. My teacher finally allowed me to go.

Once I entered the hallway I bumped directly into her. Quite dramatically, she fell backwards hitting that pretty little head of hers. Her skirt lifted just enough for me to sneak a peek at the black laced lingerie beneath.

"Get up already and fix your skirt." I chuckled lightly, "Jiraya Sensei usually comes in around this time."

After those words left my lips she automatically lifted herself, "You could've helped me since you decided to bump into me but anyways what're you doing out here?"

I shoved the restroom pass in her face, "What does it look like? How about you? What're you doing out here? Making out with Sasori after another stupid argument?"

She blushed before turning away, "I-I don't do that!"

"The two of you literally made out after pouring my pineapple smoothie onto each other's head in front of everyone."

With a slight shove to my chest, "That isn't relevant Kakashi.. besides.. I miss you."

Her hands reached for mine but I slapped them away swiftly. I sighed walking around the beautiful girl I loved so much. I'd get my cash later on but I didn't have time for her games.


I stopped after hearing my name but refused to look at her, "Look, If you believe I enjoy seeing you leave me for him every time then you've got it all wrong." Shaking my head, "The last time you chose him over me was the last time I came back."

—S A S O R I' S  P O I N T  O F  V I E W

I chuckled listening in on their conversation. It wasn't my fault that the two of us can't last a week without feeling each other's lips. Seems that Hatake finally learned his place. She'd been dating him before me but I stepped in and became her addiction.

I allowed the door to the restroom to close on it's own as I waited for his arrival. Staring in the mirror I fixed my jacket slightly with a smirk on my face. Hatake's probably crying his eyes out right about now.

He entered seeming to be deep in thought. I coughed dramatically making him look at me. He then decided to speak up.

"What brings you here Sasori?"

I shrugged, "Just waiting for someone, Itachi."

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