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—K A K A S H I' S  P O I N T  O F  V I E W

He sneered at my words before snatching his arm back. It was evident he'd been upset over something. I stared at him blankly while he glared at me silently. Obito stood beside me scratching the back of his neck awkwardly while he watched us.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten Hatake.." Sasuke's attitude was obvious as he spoke, "You told me you'd train with me for the upcoming shinobi tournament."

I chuckled nervously, "Uh-"

Sasuke sighed closing his eyes, "I overheard you talking about some woman but I'm telling you that it's irrelevant." His eyes opened once more to stare at me, "You're better off single trust me I'm trying to figure out how to break up with my annoying girlfriend without her causing a scene."

Nodding I spoke once more, "Your girlfriend is a nuisance how'd you end u-"

"I'm confused about that myself so don't ask because I don't know.." He huffed, "Training begins tomorrow got it?"

Shrugging I agreed without putting up a fight. It was only right since I agreed to train with the arrogant bastard. The tournament wasn't that far away so I can understand why Sasuke was upset.

In a flash, he was gone with no trace of his presence left behind. I looked to Obito who seemed to be thinking, "Obito?"

"He looks familiar somehow.." It was rare but he sounded serious, "I know he's an Uchiha but why can't I recognize him?"

—I T A C H I' S  P O I N T  O F  V I E W

I entered Konan's warm home feeling famished. Instead of heading over to a ramen shop I had decided to trudge myself here. It was all so I wouldn't be late again. The smell of burning brownies entered my nose once she shut the door behind us.

"Is that-"

Konan sighed, "Brownies? If so yes."

I observed the colorful Origami that was present all throughout her home as I followed her. Her home wasn't large but it was quite spacious. After a few sharp cuts through her home we ended up at room. It held all the other members of the Akatsuki who'd been arguing over something that I assumed was on the table.

"Are you all seriously still arguing over that?" Konan, clearly irritated, took a seat next to Pain.

Deidara was the first to glare at her, "How about you go spend twenty bucks on brownie mix to make the world's largest brownie and fail because an idiot turned up the temperature too high!"

"Fix your face, remember whose home you're standing in."

I chuckled lightly to myself taking a seat next to her. We'd all gathered here because there was something important Pain wanted to discuss with us. I'm guessing that the brownies were important to them. What an unique set of people they are.

Kisame smacked his lips dramatically, "Go shape some play-doh or whatever the hell you do."


That's when she stepped in, "Jaws and Tsunade shut it alright?" It'd been clear that she was irritated over the brownies being ruined as well.

"D-Did you just call me that?" Deidara went suddenly went pale, "I'll strangle-"

A hand swiftly smacked the words out of Deidara's mouth, "Touch her and I end you." Sasori glared at who I thought was his best friend while Kisame snickered.

I averted my eyes to Konan who watched the scene unfold. Once she felt me staring her eyes met mine, "They're kind of always like this, my apologies Itachi." Her smile being apologetic and genuine.

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