5:34 Am(pt.1)

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Tw: Intrusive thoughts, self deprecating thoughts, talk of neglectfulish parents, talk of burnout, if I missed anything please tell me

I had to research the school building to make sure I got it right bc I was doubting myself-
✨Spoilers obviously 🪄

Pure reserve course student angst from our favourite average boy- Hajime :] buckle up because I'm projecting onto him heavily this time. 🕺💃 also this is based off of that one moment in the anime where Hinata is walking passed all the students who are put in the killing game with him, remember that, yeah I'm about to make it 10 times more painful. Or at least my attempt at doing so. Also he is a little out of character- I'm trying my best to get used to writing about these people 👩‍🦲

(This part isn't important to the one shot it's just me explaining a bit on why I'm writing this/I'm venting) ok so when I entered middle school all of my friends were put in a different group together without me, and holy shit it hurt so much when they all legit didn't bat an eye at me when I came to say hi to them, I also tried multiple times to hang out with them but they just ignored me like- 🧍 damn hoes-, trust me I did try to live up to higher expectations to be like them and show them I'm good enough to be their friend but instead I ended up with some bomb ass friends who are the best people I could've met, I don't know if I'd still be here if I never met them. So this is going to be me interpreting what might've happened to myself if I never met my friends/ and lost myself


This is a link to suicide hot lines, please contact someone if you are considering, you are worth it. As shit as the world is right now, I believe in you, I believe you can make it through these tough times. As much as you might feel like you don't deserve to be happy or loved you do, you deserve every ounce of happiness and love that a person or animal can give you.  You are enough, don't let anyone tell you that you aren't. 💜


Would you guys want me to make dream smp oneshots orrrr- 🚣‍♂️

Would you guys want me to make dream smp oneshots orrrr- 🚣‍♂️

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Ok... onto the one shot sorry-


That day I received the acceptance letter from Hopes Peak was probably my last chance to back out, thinking back to that moment I wish I did. I could've avoided the cruel reality check that slapped me across the face.

That reality check being the fact that I would never truly live up to anyone's expectations.

I will never be enough, no matter how hard I try, no matter how much I give.

Everyone else knew that I'm not good enough to be an ultimate, and now I think I know it too.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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