Komahina- How about tomorrow...

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Tw-  Hospitals, car accident, blood, past character death

To clarify I put hospital as a trigger warning because walking into them being near them and or seeing them for me causes me to have panic attacks. It's a personal thing but someday I might explain why hospitals bother/scare me so much. I just want people who might get triggered reading about them to know before they read.

Also if you want me to add happy endings to any of these or write a different story with one I wouldn't really mind.
All oneshots will be written in 3rd person unless I say it's changed

This is a non-despair au but they still got talents 🧍

One more thing- I didn't proof read this soooo- if there are any mistakes and or something that seems like should be fixed. Don't be shy 🤺
Onto the one shot...

Waking up in a hospital was terrifying for Komaeda to say the least. It's not everyday you wake up alone in a hospital bed.
Trying to blink away sleep he narrowed his eyes focusing on the steadily beeping heart monitor. He always hated hospitals, at least that's what he thinks.
To be honest he doesn't remember much, scratch that he doesn't remember anything.

The white haired boy's eyes opened all the way as he quickly sat up gripping the soft bed sheets. Taking in large slow breaths he looked around the room trying to scrape up some sort of memory on how he ended up here.

Not even a blurry image.



He calmed himself down as no one had come in his room to take his vitals yet.
Just his luck.

Luck? There's something that feels familiar. Yet at the same time it isn't.

Flopping back down with defeated sigh he draped an arm over his face.

"Gosh what am I going to do." He whispered to himself.
"For starters you can get off your ass and ask a doctor what's going on." A melodic voice entered his room.


"What the fuck-"


Arm no longer resting on his face Komaeda stared at a brunette that was leaning against his door. He too was dressed in a light blue hospital gown simple white socks, hair matted and eyes dull.

"H-How did you get in here without me hearing you." Nagito asked still very confused.

"..." the brunette just blinked at him before walking over to Komaeda's bed side.
Instinctively The white haired boy flinched away from the other holding his hands up in a defensive position.

"Oh right...sorry to scare you like that," the other out his hands up showing he was harmless "look I know this might be hard to believe, but I'm a good friend of yours." He smiled at Nagito sweetly hands falling to his sides.

Stunned into silence to shocked for words Nagito blinked at the other like the brunette had while he was leaning on his door no more then a minute ago.

 Danganronpa Oneshots(mostly angst)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant