KomaHina- Liar. Liar.

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Death, hanging/suicide, heavy angst(I try)
Spoiler for danganronpa v2 obviously
I changed somethings up as well so this doesn't follow the story line exactly
I'm not the best at writing Nagito but I want to get better at it as I write, so later on I'll come back to rewrite this most likely lol. If you notice any mistakes don't be afraid to correct me.

This is a spoiler right here so warning ⚠️
When nagito gets the book in the octagon he doesn't find out they were despairs only that hajime is in the reserve course. Also chapter 4 happens second in this but instead of it being Gundham and Nekomaru dying it's Peko and Mahiru because Idk plot reasons.

Also I'm sorry in advance òwó


Getting stuck on a tropical island filled to the brim with endless entertainment and supplies with a small group of fun people seems awesome right?
That was the short and honest answer, and any of these kids would tell you the same thing.

One minute I'm in a classroom surrounded by the newest group of top students picked for Hopes Peak Academy, the next we're all standing on a beach hit with the rather strong scent of salt water and blinded by the blazing sun.
Hovering my hand over my face I blinked a few times clearing my vision, finally able to see what was clearly happening. Everyone stared in disbelief at our new surroundings before opting to explore the what seemed to be a decked out island with no residents.
I shuffled my feat in the sand still trying to wrap my brain around the whole situation when I noticed someone out of the corner of my eye.
Turning my head fully I looked towards the person on the ground, they most likely passed out due to stress, which was concerning but not surprising due to the circumstances. I quickly walked over to the person lowering my body down besides them. Further analyzing their features I concluded they were most likely a boy.
He had hair that was off brown and spiked as if he cut it himself. A mysterious ahonge was poked out of the top of his head spiked up like the rest of his hair.
The boy had soft looking skin and seemed pale. His clothes were slightly loose only part of his white shirt being tighter around his chest. A green tie with a strange logo was attached to his neck, it looked kind of like his shirts logo which he found intriguing.

A small noise and slight movement is what snapped me out of my dazed staring. I mean who wouldn't admire an ultimate? They're amazing vessels of hope who can concur any form of despair.

The boy opened his eyes for a moment before blinking them closed again as the sun hit his face. I quickly shifted over the shorter ultimate in order to help him catch his bearings easier.
I knew as soon as his olive eyes met my own, he was special to me somehow, he was adorable, he seems like someone I can trust.

Me being upset was an understatement of how I felt that day.
Finding out the one person who ever tried giving me a chance was lower then dirt made me sick. It hurts so much knowing Hinata-kun will never be as great as the ultimates, but at least he could be useful in being a stepping stone for the symbols of hope.

I can't believe that I trusted someone like him. I can't trust anyone anymore, who knows if this book is lying. Who knows if anyone will try to pretend like he had.

What a joke.


My conflicting feelings for Hinata-kun are going to be the death of me, on one side I want him to be nothing more then a stick I can break in half and use to build a bridge for the ultimates path to hope. On the other side, I want to apologize for saying such cruel things to him, I want us to rebuild the trust we had with each other, and maybe... we could even have a relationship as more then friends.

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