Chapter 2

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Itadori thought Inumaki and himself would get into bigger trouble, but that wasn't the case. Of course, they were lectured for leaving the house without permission or telling anyone, but nothing else. Itadori had, at first, thought it was because the others were more focused on what they had found to find a punishment for the two. But in reality, they decided to go easy on them because of the information they gathered. Maki had hugged Inumaki, almost crying while Panda smiled at his friend. "You idiot... You scared me half to death!" Nobara ran to Itadori and hit him over the head.

"Ow! That hurts!" Nobara huffed, putting her hands over her hips.

"As it should. It's what you deserve for scaring me! We're in this together, so there's no need for you two to be running off like that." Itadori pouted, looking away embarrassingly.

"But we weren't even looking for trouble... We just happened to run into trouble."

"That's what I'm talking about! You or Inumaki could've gotten seriously hurt!" Nobara and Itadori looked over at Inumaki, who was giving them a thumbs up while softly rubbing his neck. Didn't he take medicine though? Maybe it didn't work. Itadori sighed, walking to the table and sitting down, Nobara following after him.

"So... in the mountains you heard a girl scream so you ran there only for Inumaki's phone to break and meet this weirdo that survived his cursed speech? This is definitely a high rank curse..." Fushiguro rubbed his temples, groaning from all the stress and probably lack of sleep. At the moment, everyone was seriously tired. "We should leave this discussion open for tomorrow, we're all too tired to even think." Itadori and surprisingly Nobara stood up.

"What!? There's a girl out there right now in need of help and we're just going to turn a blind eye to that!? Are you some kind of monster, Fushiguro!?" Fushiguro groaned, standing up and looked both his classmates in the eyes.

"We're not turning a blind eye to the innocent in need. You two are new, so I'll be a little nice in saying this, but you can't save everyone. You didn't even see the girl, so we can't even be sure that there even is a girl in need of our help. It was likely that the curse was mimicking a girls scream to get you closer to it. Which makes me suspect that not only is it a high rank... but a smart curse. We can't be reckless in this, as the higher ups are not here to help us out. Do you both get that?" Nobara and Itadori both nodded, slowly sitting back down. Inumaki patted both their back gently, trying to lighten the mood. Maki and Panda both sighed, grabbing some food.

"Fushiguro's right. You two are being really reckless. We were like that when we were first years too, so we can't exactly punish you. We know you want to help people in need but like Fushi over here said, you can't save everyone. This is the first actual real mission you've both been on, so you should leave it to the experienced people." Maki pointed out, chewing on her pizza. Inumaki hit her over the head.

"Mustard!" Itadori guessed he was lecturing her and chuckled.

"It's fine Inumaki, we understand. I'm heading off to bed." Itadori stretched, yawning and walked upstairs to the room he shared with Inumaki. He could hear the others talking downstairs, which somewhat irritated him.

"He barely ate his pizza..." Panda commented. "Is he feeling alright?"

"He's being a newbie. Just like a baby." Maki said, probably eating Itadori's pizza.

"Sushi!" (I seriously forgot what he says except mustard and sushi... so don't mind if I just start saying random foods) Inumaki scolded, which was followed up by a sigh from Fushiguro.

"Inumaki, can you go check on him. Like what Maki said, he is still a newbie so he might not take our words seriously." There was a huff before Itadori heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Soon enough, Inumaki was standing at the doorway to their bedroom. Itadori huffed, grabbing his phone and pretending to scroll through something. Inumaki grabbed his phone and set it down on his nightstand.

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