Chapter 1

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The way the beach house was set up was like this pretty much:

When you enter, you can look to the left and find a bathroom, if you look to the right there's a bedroom. Then if you keep going forward, to the right there's a staircase leading to more bedrooms and another bathroom. To the left there's the kitchen along with the dining room and living room. If you pass the living room, you'll find yourself standing in front of a sliding glass door that leads outside where the ocean awaits. On the patio where if you go out those doors is, is a grill along with a round table with seats around it.

Panda called the downstairs bedroom since he needed more space than the others, and Inumaki didn't seem too happy that Panda had to stay away from the others but didn't argue. That just meant that everyone else had to chose which upstairs bedrooms they wanted. Someone would have to share a bedroom with another sadly. Fushiguro chose the bedroom closest to the stairs in case of an emergency while Nobara took the one closest to the bathroom so that she could take a shower first. That just left Maki, Inumaki and Itadori with the last two bedrooms. Maki said that she didn't mind sharing a room with anyone and Inumaki didn't make any sounds signaling them he felt uncomfortable sharing a room either. That just meant that it was all up to Itadori. Great... Just great.

In the end Itadori decided it'd be better if two boys stayed in a bedroom together since the bedrooms only had one bed in them. He kinda wished he'd chosen Maki though, since ya know... hehe. But decided to share his room with Inumaki since it would've kinda awkward if he had to sleep with a girl. (Itadori isn't exactly a pervert, but in the show he puts up a poster of a woman in a swimsuit so I'm just putting it like this)

As Itadori unpacked his belongings, Inumaki pulled out his phone, looking at the recent news articles in this area. "You know we don't have to start investigating just yet, right?" Itadori reminded his senior. Inumaki huffed.

"Sushi sushi." Itadori snickered at Inumaki's response, although the barely understood it. Just the way the senior slightly glared at the other, waving his hand up and down. Just those movements were enough for Itadori to understand what he was saying. It was something like, "who's at seniority here?"

That's when Itadori got a buzz on his phone, making him look at it. It was from Fushiguro. "Hey, remember, we need to keep a level head. The higher ups aren't going to help us. We need to get all the info we can get. Try looking at news articles in this area." Itadori huffed, looking over at Inumaki, who was still looking at the news articles.

"Yeah yeah, Inumaki's already on that." He texted back.

"Oh? You're sleeping with Inumaki? Cool. We're probably going to be ordering some food tonight, so just stay with him until idk 5?" Itadori checked the time, which said 4:30pm. He sighed, flopping onto the bed.

"Alright... see you then." He responded, clicking his phone off. "Why can't we just, I don't know, go out and look for the curse?" He asked.

"Kelp." Itadori heard Inumaki mumble from his side of the bed.

"Yeah, you're right. Even though this is a small, secluded island, there's still a lot of ground to cover. It would take a few days for us to even find the curse, maybe even more if it moved place to place." Inumaki nodded, turning off his phone and placing it on the bedside table, probably charging it.

"Tuna?" Itadori looked over at his senior, noticing that he had asked some sort of question. He nodded to Inumaki.

"Hm... Fushiguro said to stay with you until 5... Do ya want to go explore a little bit?" Inumaki shook his head, waving his hand around.

"Shake sushi." Itadori pouted, stuffing his face into his pillow.

"Aw come on...! We get to go to this cool island and we don't even get to explore...!? Some kind of adventure this is..." The words stunk cold in his mouth, making him think about what he had just said. Did Itadori just call this an "adventure...?" Inumaki sighed, standing up, pointing towards the window.

"Mayo?" Itadori's eyes shown with hope as he escaped towards the window, Inumaki on his tail after grabbing his phone. Itadori has completely forgotten his phone, which was laying on the bed. They both jumped out of the window, landing softly -well, Inumaki did- and ran out towards the city nearby.

"So, Inumaki, how did you end up at the school?" Itadori asked his senior. Inumaki placed his index finger under his chin, thinking. At the moment, they were at a small restaurant not too far from the house.

"Tuna Mayo." He explained, to which, Itadori slumped. Trying to have a regular conversation with Inumaki was kinda hard. Inumaki knew this, so he grabbed a napkin from the table they were sitting at and started to write something on it. He handed the napkin to Itadori after writing.

"Well, where do I begin..? You know how I have cursed speech, right? So when I was younger, I was kinda sent to this school for my own protection." (Just so you know, this is not his actual backstory. I do not know this backstory)

"Oh! So you've basically been here your entire life?!" Inumaki nodded, sighing.

"Sushi..." He mumbled. Itadori huffed, patting his senior on the back.

"Don't be like that! You have us now!" Inumaki smiled under his coat (idk what it's called) and wrote on another napkin, handing it to Itadori.

"Let's just say, I can't wait to introduce you to meet Yuta! He's a really nice guy and I know you two will get along just fine!" Itadori chuckled, getting up from his seat. Inumaki followed.

"What time is it?" Itadori asked. Inumaki checked his phone, showing it to Itadori. He caught a glimpse of the time, which was 4:50, but mostly focused on Inumaki's background.

It was him with another kid with black hair. The kid was carrying a sword, which reminded Itadori of Maki. He pointed at Inumaki's screen, to which, his senior pointed at the second napkin to the word, "Yuta."

Oh? Were Inumaki and Yuta really close? Maybe Itadori should ask Fushiguro when they got back.


Both of them turned where they heard the crash, followed by a scream of a young girl. Itadori was the first one to rush forward, Inumaki right behind him, trying to get him to stop. "Sushi!"


Itadori followed the screams of the girl up into the mountains of the island until they just stopped. Inumaki trailed behind him, pulling out his phone. "Sushi!" Itadori assumed Inumaki meant "shit."

"What is it?" Inumaki showed him his phone, which had no connection. "Oh great... should we head down, or keep on going?" Inumaki shook his head, pointing to go back to the house. "But what about that girl?!" Inumaki shook his head again. Itadori, being stubborn as always, did the opposite. He walked further into the mountains, Inumaki reluctantly following him.



Itadori turned around just in time to see a branch swirl around and break Inumaki's phone. Inumaki sighed, dropping his now shattered phone. He motioned for Itadori to cover his ears, to which, he did. Inumaki unzipped his coat- or whatever it's called- and said, "Fall under."

Suddenly someone- or someone- fell into a hole, their yells and shouts slowly disappearing. Inumaki clenched his throat, falling to the ground. "Inumaki!" Itadori immediately ran to his senior, helping his up. "Where's your medicine?" Inumaki pulled out some throat medication and took a little sip of it. He put a thumbs up to Itadori. "We should head back now..."

"Not yet." That wasn't Inumaki... nor was it Itadori... The voice was gravely and unsettling. It sent shivers down both their spines. "Don't go~!" A hand shot up from the hole, making them both jump back. That's when a face appeared out of the hole, making them both shutter down in fear.

Both of them started to run fast down the mountains, never stopping to look behind them.

They jumped right back into the house right as Fushiguro opened their door. "Guys! We have dinner down here- O-oh? Itadori... I thought you were into girls...?" Itadori looked over and saw that he was laying right on Inumaki, who's face had immediately blushed. His senior kicked him off of him and stood up, wiping sweat off his forehead. Itadori then immediately told everyone what had happened while they ate, explaining the face they saw... the voice they heard... the screams of the girl... everything.

Sorry this took so long to get out. I'm currently in school right now as I write this and I'm getting some really bad cramps (I'm a girl) so idk if I'll be posting a lot on this story too much this week. Hopefully this is enough...

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