Chapter IIII

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Chapter IIII

When we got home mommy didn't say a word to me. I followed her in to the kitchen and watched her put the kettle on and made a cup of coffée. She sat down and continued to ignore me.

"Mommy?" She shook her head and put her coffée down on the hard wood table. "What's the matter Mommy?" She put her head in her hands. I frowned then started getting worried. I racked my twelve year old brain, looking for answers as to why she would be upset or mad at me. The only answer I could come up with was running away.

"It's Cortnee..She's missing" I frowned.

"But the police can find her right?" She shook her head.

"Hunny, can I ask you something?" I nodded quickly. "Why didn't you follow those boys? I mean they went with your best friend..why didn't you follow?" I frowned again.

"Mommy, I'm not stupid. I knew they were trouble but I didn't know it would be that bad. I tried to pull Cortnee away but she just wanted to have some 'fun' as she calls it"I shook my head and sobbed. "I layed there with that boy Mommy. I layed there with him because he saved my life, it was the best thing I could do" I sighed and zoned out. "It was the only thing I could do.." I trailed off and turned to walk towards the door.

"You do know that you'll be going to court soon Addison" I flinched. She never called me that, if she did it was either because she was upset or mad.

"I know" I muttered as I dragged my feet out of the kitchen in to the hallway.

I don't see why no one ever believe's me. One day they will need me and I won't be there.

I trudged up the stairs. I looked at all the pictures of our family, smiling away. I grinned. I can't wait till Daddy get's back, I thought.

I finally made it to my bedroom door and opened it. I tucked my brown hair behind my ears and wondered over to the tv. I turned it on and it instantly went on to channel one. The news was on but I didn't really listen to what was being said. I walked over to my purple bed and plopped down on it. I groaned and rolled over. I faced the tv, I quickly reackonized what was on the tv.

"....and reports have shown that twelve year old Addison Law, and bestfriend Cortnee Lea, wondered around the park, unsupervised. Three teenaged boy's, two unknown and one identifed, lead them behind a toliet stand and-"

I shut the tv off, hearing enough. Great! I'm all over the news and I'm going to be the talk of the town. Bang, goes my reputation.

Then it hit me. It hit me hard.

I've lost my bestfriend to some peodophiled, hormonal, teenaged boys, and no-one knows where they are.

A stray tear fell down my cheek. Suddenly my phone rang, which jolted me back to reality. I quickly wiped my tear away and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked tiredly.

"Addie! Help!" Cried the familur voice, but before I could answer the line went dead.

I dropped my phone and bolted down stairs.

"Mommy! Mommy!" I screamed.

"What! What's the matter honey!?" Cried Mommy, franticly pulling me in to her arms.

"Cortnee" I panted.

"Say it again honey, breath and calm down" She said looking at me in the eye.

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