Chapter Five; The Prince And The Delinquent

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The Prince and the Delinquent.

Thug Story.

“Well…” He said.

“Well?” I waved my hand, indicating him to go on.  He sighed.

“A couple of years back, something happened. I just turned fifteen, and had the whole world ahead of me” I nodded and he shuffled abit. “Well, back then I pretty much hated life. I always got in to trouble, and the paparazzi would always follow me, waiting for to do my next slip up.” He paused and put is head in his hands. 

“You don’t have to carry on—“

“- I did” He croaked. “I did the most unthinkable” I shifted on the rocks. I rubbed his back.

“You don’t have to Cealtach. It’s alright” He looked up and glared at me.

“No, No! How would you know?” He shouted. I put my hands up in defence.

“I’m just trying to help, god!” I said moodily.

It was silent for abit, until Cealtach spoke again.

“I’m sorry it’s a touchy subject” He said and groaned. He rubbed his face. “Do you want me to carry on?” He asked. I sighed and turned to face him again. I stood up but quickly sat on the floor. I then lay down and closed my eyes.

“If you want to. I don’t want to pressure you though,” I said. It went quiet for a spilt second and then I felt a warm presence next to me.

“OK” He said clearing his throat. “Believe it or not, I was in a gang,” He said. My eyes instantly re-opened and I turned to face him.

“You wish,” I said snorting. “This is so overrated” I closed my eyes again, and let him, continue. I could just imagine him rolling his eyes.

“Well anyway, I got in to a lot of dealings” My eyes re-opened and I turned to look at him. I scoffed.

“Drugs?” I said, curiously.

“Mhmm. The gang I was in, is called The Nights. It consists of four girls and five boys”

“Bit sexist don’t you think?” I said rolling my eyes. He turned to look at me. His face was dead on serious. “OK, OK, No jokes. I get it, sheesh” He ignored my comment and carried on.

“They are all deadly killers. Very, deadly” I gulped.

“H-How deadly?” I squeaked out.

“Let’s just say, they weren’t afraid to kill before” My eyes widened.

“D-Do they kill innocent people?” I asked. He didn’t reply so I turned my head and faced him. He was looking up at the sky. A stray tear escaped his eye.

“Yes” He croaked.

I quickly sat up.

“I-I have to go… for a walk” I muttered. He sat up and looked me with pained eyes.

“You can’t back out now, Scout. I-It’s too late” He said loud enough for me to here. I shook my head.

“What have I got myself in to” I heard a chuckle. I frowned and span around to met a conscious Constance.  “Oh it’s you” I said. He rolled his eyes and raised his hand, for me to grab. I rolled my eyes this time and grabbed hold of it. He stood up and I supported him.

“Did he tell you?” He asked. I sighed.

“Sit!” I ordered. He pouted.

“No fun” He whined. I sighed.

“Yes Constance, he did” He laughed. I looked up at him and frowned.

“What’s so funny?” I asked him. He smirked.

“You don’t even know half of it Scout, and you’re already running off to Mommy” His eyes watched me, in amusement. I glared at him.

“Whatever Constance” I grumbled.

“You havn’t even heard half of it” He mumbled. He sighed. “Thought you was tough?” He asked me. I raised an eyebrow and scoffed.

“You can say that” He wiggled my eyebrows and looked back to the tree that seemed to become fascinating.

“OK, then. Fight me” I whipped my head around, and faced an arggoant Constance.

“No, your injur—“

“The injured the better” He said still smirking. I groaned and stood up.

“Game on” I said. He slowly got up and limped towards me, his face still plastered with his usual smirk. My eyes suddenly captured on the man, that was in the bushes. I saw a gun and my eyes widened.

“Oh, we scared are we?” He said.

I breathed in deeply, and jerked my head sideways to try and tell him. It failed. I rolled my eyes and cracked my knuckles.

The man looked up at me, and his eyes glistened with pure mischief. I glared at him, and growled. He smirked and shook his head.

He held his hand up, and counted down to one.







I suddenly got the addreline rush and ran full bull towards Constance. Like a heard of cows, we both went toppling over each other.

I quickly got back up and ran towards the guy. The guy grinned and ran through bush.

“Merde!” I cursed.

“Hey, what the hell Scout! I mean I know we was about to rumble but, you didn’t need to charge at me like that” Constance moaned.

 My head whipped around to him, and a full scowl was set on my face. He quickly shutted up. “Why do you look like you’ve had a really big turd?” He said. I glared at him and jogged towards  Cealtach, using that last bit of my energy.

“Cealtach!” I panted. He ignored me. I growled and kicked him in the leg. This got his attention and he quickly sat up, frowning up at me.

“What!” He shouted. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

“We have company” I said awkwardly. His frown suddenly got wipped off and he looked at me with a confused expression.

“What?” He said.

“It’s them” I said and I looked around. “They’ve found us” I said quietly.

“Crap!” He swore. I nodded.

“Yes, merde!”                                                              


Sorry its short D: 

I'll make up for it I promise :) I'll be introducing the 'The Night's soon x) Till then                      

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