Chapter Eight; The Prince And The Delinquent

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Hey guys just wanted to say could I get like 10 votes for the next chapter, and I’ll upload tomorrow? It’ll be long and my uploads will be back to usual with all the fastness, cause my arms coming out of its sling tomorrow. I hope all goes well  : )

Thanks guys


The Prince And The Delinquent.

I opened my eyes and groaned. Where the hell was I?

“Speak and you die!” Spat a voice.

I groaned again, and tried to bring my hands towards my head.

“What the—“

“I said… speak and you die!” The voice spat again.

“Shut up! I’ve a killer headache here!” I cried. I groaned again.

“What we going to do about her?” Asked another voice.

“We sit… and wait”

My eyes became more focused, and I realised I was in a bedroom. My eyes widened and I looked at some guys.

“Uh… what am I doing here, ha-ha?” I nervously laughed, and they span around. I gulped, as they shot me a killer glare. “Okay, Okay sheesh! Don’t get you’re panties in a twist” I snorted.

“If you don’t shut up, that’s the only things of yours that is going to be in a twist”

They all turned fully around and walked up to me. I still attempted to struggle and get out, but the ropes were wrapped around me tightly.

“Okay Scout, do you know who we are?” Asked a girl. She was very pretty to say the least. She had short blonde hair, which ended near enough her chin if not a little further. She was quite pale, but it went well with the blonde hair and greenish eyes.

“No” I answered simply.

“I’m Tabitha” She smiled. I blinked. Why they being nice now?

“And I’m Harry” A guy said. He looked like one of those lazy people to perfectly honest. I grinned.

“Hey aren’t you from Twil—“

“Don’t speak that name here” He snarled. I snorted.

“Moody” I smirked. “Do you sparkle?”

Anyway going off track here. Yeah, that wasn’t part of the story but I couldn’t resist. Now going back to the real story thingy. We left off at describing Harry, okay!

“And I’m Harry” Smirked a guy. His whole posture, read out that he didn’t want to be here. I scrunched my face up. His hair was messed up but in a cool/sexy way. He had slight stubble, and his brown eyes sparkled with amusement. I shook my head. I’ll have to keep an eye on him, I really didn’t like him.

“And I’m Elliot” Grinned another guy. I blinked several times. He had sandy blonde hair, which fell in front of his eyes. He was a somehow tanned, which really suited him. He raised an eyebrow, and I looked away.

“Nathan” A guy smiled and awkwardly put his hand up. I smiled at him. Cute, whoa whoa! I’m not supposed to be checking these people out, this is wrong on so many levels. But he has dimples. I rolled my eyes. Stupid hormones.

“I’m Izzy, nice to meet you Scout” A girl smiled, and winked at me. She liked kind of Spanish, but over all she was pretty. She had light Carmel sort of hair, and had a tanned face.

“Gary” Nodded a guy. My eyes nearly popped out of my pockets. Izzy turned around, and rolled her eyes.

“Put a shirt on Gary” She had a hand on her hip, but his gaze never left mine. He smirked, and backed away. I glared at him.

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