Chapter 3

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Violetta's POV

Today dad was bussy so Leon and I were walking to the school on our own. Without some laughes it was a silent walk. Not awkward at all, just really calm and chill.

Suddenly Leon dragged me left, I remember that the school was at right and I started getting worries about where he was going to get me right now.

Leon's POV

Instead of taking Violetta to the front door of school, I took her to the back door of the school, noboby usually takes that way.

- "Leon! Were are we going?"

She asked me totally scared. I rubbed the back of my heas nervously. What should I say?

- "Uh...just taking you to school" I said and she nodded. Huh, I'm relieved she can't see right now. I hope she thinks that she has forgotten the way to the school.

We were infront of the back door now and I looked back just to make sure we were all alone. But just in that second Diego and Andrés came towards us.

Oh damn, not them! Not now!

I quickly went in with Violetta and literally ran through the hall-way with her. Suddenly the door opened, oh no they must have seen me.

- "Leon!" Andrés shouted and Violetta stopped and so did I. Oh no don't say that she recognize his voice. I'm totally dead then.

We turned around and Diego looked at us in disbelief. Andrés were looking at our hands. I quickly took my hand away and guestered for them to shut up, but Andrés was as dumb as always and didn't get it.

- "What are you doing here with Violetta?" Andrés said still looking at our hands that was now seperated. Violetta looked around in wide eyes, even tho she couldn't see.

- "Yeah, wasn't Leon you're name?" Diego said getting my guestere. I sighned, sometimes it is really good to have a smart friend.

- "Oh yeah, didn't you know who this is? She is the fattest idiot and blind monster in this school. Do you want to be cool? Then don't hang out with her" Andrés continued now getting the guestere. I laughed at them, trying to make it a 'disbeliefing laugh'.

I mimed "thank you" to them before I dragged Violetta through the rest of the hallway.

I have a lot to explain later to them.

- "Don't care about them, their just the school's most idiot guys"

Violetta said when we reached our lockers to the hallway that was empty.

I nodded forgetting the fact that she couldn't see. If she only knew...

Violetta's POV

- "I'll be right back"

Leon said when we had our second break. He always takes me to some places and saying that he is taking me for some small adventures.

Now I stood her on my own, it was more scary than anyone can imagine. I can't even see the things around me or my friends surround me.

I just hear and feel everything. This is really hard but dad says that I'll get used to it some day.

I just hope every minute of my life won't be this scary when I'm alone. Or I ain't acctually, but nobody is next to me. Or I don't think so acctually.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I jumped up in the air.

- "Who are you?" I asked looking scared at all the directions, sadly I couldn't see someone.

- "I'm James and yeah, you just love me" He said and I started laughing. Was this guy for real?

- "I don't even know you"

I laughed even more.

- "Why are you here on your own?"

James said taking my hand. I awkwardly pushed his hand away from mine.

- "What's the matter?"

He said and I looked at him in disbelief. Is he serious? I've never met him before and he thinks he can just touch my hand like that?

- " little sister is also blind so I'm used to hold her hand. Isn't that normal for you? I mean you are..." He said but I cut him off.

- "Ok I get it, but I have limits you know. Only two persons has permission to do that"

I said backing away some steps. I didn't see the water, because I can't see it and slipped.

James took advance of that and grabbed me while he crasched his lips against mine.

I couldn't even breath and tried to push him away but he was way to strong. When he pulled away I slapped him across the face and fell to the ground.

I heared Leon's steps before I crasched to the ground. My foot did really hurt and I started screaming.

- "What did you do to her?" I could hear Leon's angrily voice and that someone was pushed to the wall, it must be James.

- "I did nothing! She kissed me!" James defended himself while I was still screaming. Why is he lying so much?

- "I don't believe you! Never come back!" Leon shouted and someone fell to the ground. I heared James scream after so he must have fallen.

Someone kneeled besides me and carried me up.

- "Are you okay?" Leon asked and I could hear scareness in his voice.

I couldn't even nodd, I did hurt that much.

- "Shit!" He shouted to something I don't know and started running with me. I tighten my grab around him so I wouldn't fall.

We went to some car and he dragged me in there, helping me with the belt and drove the fastest he could to somewhere I have no idea about.

Whatever he did, it had something to do with me. I was sure about that. There is only one thing I want to ask him, but I think that can wait.

Sorry that I haven't updated on so long, but I'm sick :'(

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