Chapter 5

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Violetta's POV

This was the first day in my whole life that I was going out of my house, without Dad being here. It was a relief but I alredy miss dad's words and hugs that always maked me feel stronger. It was acctually Dad that helped me through all the bullying at school even though he never knew.

"Violetta?" Leon waved his hands infront of my face making me snap out of my thoughts. I turned to him and saw him smiling, way too much and at last it turned into laughter.

"Sorry if I interuppted your thoughts, but if we don't go now, we'll probably be late." Leon continued still giggling. I just hit his arm but before I could do it he grabbed my hand in his and dragged me out.

"Someone wants to go way too early" I joked and he suddenly stopped.

"And how smart are you to figure that out?" He seemed so confident.

"Well really smart. Half an hour ago you told me the clock was 8:am and as it is Friday we start 9:am. As it takes us 5 minutes to walk to school, it means that we are nearly 25 minutes early. That simple" I said being really proud of myself.

"Wow, that's what I call complicated. But how do you know if I said the right time to you 'half an hour ago'?" Leon asked.

"Easy, my alarm clock rings 7:am every weekend so I knew and I also asked Ramallo in case if my alarm-clock would be broken" I smiled, knowing that I now won.

"Okay I give up, what do you want to do instead?" Leon asked being tired.

"No no, I want to go to school. It's good to be a little early" I smiled as the sun lighted my face.

"And you couldn't just say that instead of this whole 'math-lesson' you had?" Leon whined and I laughed.

"Omg, I give up. Come, let's get out of here" Leon dragged me through the street.

"Wow, I'm good if I made you give up two times at a day!" I said being really happy.

"Very funny. Come on" Leon said being annoyed and dragged me so hard, I starting running besides him.

"Okay slow down, this is scary" I said and he looked confused at me, but slowed down a bit more than I wanted but it was at least something. I knew he was waiting for an explaniation.

"I'm blind" I said hoping he would understand. But he stayed quiet, either he was thinking or didn't still understand. I took it as the not understanding way.

"When blind people are dragged by others, they don't see what's on their way and it is easier for them to fall and being hit by something. And as they aren't ready for it, they hurt theirselfs more than the others" I explained as we suddenly stopped, we've probably reached the school.

"Okay. I seriously have to bring you out with me more often, you're good at talking" Leon surprisly said. Woah, I wasn't expecting that kind of answer.

"Well thanks for discribing me so nicly. I really appreciate your kindness Mr Victim" I smirked, and I guess he is standing there doing the same right now.

"You're welcome, Miss Perfection" He said. I have no idea what expression he has in his face right now.

"Nice nickname" I joked as he somewhat chuckled.

"Come on" He said and dragged me through the front door so we would...wait a second...aren't we talking the wrong side?

"Hey dude, have you alredy found another slut?" I knew this guy, that's for sure, but I'm not 100% sure who it is...

"Yeah man, what're doing here with this ordinary loser? I mean she's way out of your league though" Now I knew who this jerk was, it was Mark.

"We have to talk to you, NOW" Diego exclaimed while dragging Leon away. I think I've said it before and I'll say it now, this couldn't be a more scary moment in my whole life. And that jerk just left me. Didn't he read the rules about taking care of me? The second rike was as I clearly remember it: "Never leave a blind person alone, NEVER."

Leon's POV

Diego dragged me to the corner of the corridor. I pushed me off him but he didn't fall because he grabbed the wall.

"What do you think you're doing huh?" Diego shouted, wow he didn't have a good sleep at all.

"Calm down, will you? I'm doing what I want" I shouted back at him, after all I'm the Leader and he isn't.

"You know you can't be seen with her!" He shouted desperatly, how kind he is to defend me from all the rumors that will be coming, but sadly I don't even care.

"I can be seen with whoever I want" I shouted back at him.

"Now I get it, she's your new slut" Diego calmed down, as if he was right.

"I'm not that kind of person anymore" I shrughed. Literally, everybody was staring at us.

"Are you crazy?! And all the rumors?"

"I don't care" I simply responded and was on my way to go.

"You know what?" He shouted as I turned around.

"Go ahead, do whatever you want. I don't even know why I cared for you, you have definitly changed. But you should know one thing: You're not in our team anymore" As he said that, he went down the corridor.

Everyone was staring at me, some was shocked and others were smiling.

"What're you staring at? Get the hell out of here" I shouted as they all ran away. I smiled for myself.

"Leon?" Violetta suddenly said from behind. I turned around to face her, I've totally forgotten that she was here at all.

"Yeah? What is it love?" I said all of sudden.

"Thank God you're here" She said relifed and I went over to her, grabbed her hand and went to class with her.

It felt a little bit better as I now could go with Violetta anywhere I wanted, but still I just lost my best friends for her. I don't even know what happend with me, I knew that Diego wasn't like this before, I made him be like this and then I just...betrayed them? I've never felt like this before, this weak...helpless.

When we was infront of the classroom Violetta's grip tightened.

"Violetta?" I asked worried as she immediatly let go of my hand.

"Sorry...I was just thinking..." She never finished her sentence.

"What is it?" I asked curiously, wanting her to continue.

"Why were you so rude to the people you were shouting at?" She asked. First I thought she meant Diego, but then I realised she meant the staring idiots at the corridor.

"Uh...they were annoying" I replied nervously. Wait, why am I nervous?

"Yeah, but that's nothing to shout about?" She said, now louder.

"Why do you even care? You know nothing about me and you're just judging me! I helped you! You should say thank you, not complain about my behavier" I shouted at her. I could see the tears in her eyes and felt guilty. I didn't mean to shout at her.

"I'm so-" But before I could finish my sentence, she stormed off. Just then my teacher Rachel opened the door and let me in. Great, now I have to cope with the idiots in there, at least I'm good at math's.

But none of that worried me acctually. I have to apologise to Violetta. And even worst, many things can happen to her and It's my job to make her safe.

I stood up and went to the door.

"Where are you going Leon?" Rachel asked.

"I...have to go" I replied and before she could answer, I ran away at the same direction as Violetta.

It was only one thought in my head:
Find Violetta.


Today is the international women's day!! ❤️💕

Blind Love - ON HOLDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें