Chapter 14

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HELLO SHIPPERS!!! DISCLAIMER: DO I LOOK LIKE AN EVILY GENIUS MAN WHO HAS MILLIONS OF FANGIRLS BOWING DOWN AT HIS FEET?NOOOO IM AN ELEVEN YEAR OLD GIRL WHO IS OBSESSED WITH FANFICTIONS AND BOOKS!!! All right go to the amazing RICK RIORDAN I only on my OCs and the plot. So I think the rest of this book is mainly gonna be Katie's POV because I like her the best and it's easier writing about girl stuff than guy stuff cause I'm a girl, so yah, GO TRATIE!!!
🌻🌻Katie POV🌻🌻
Right now I'm looking for dorm room 183, but I don't see it anywhere. Finally I see room 180 and I walk down three doors and see room183. I knock on the door and hear giggles inside. I unlock the door and walk in. I see a simple kitchen, long room, and table, with a hallway off to the side. Down the hallway is a empty room which I am assuming is mine, a bathroom with two sinks, a toilet (obviously) and a shower bath combination thing. At the end of the hallway is the other bedroom, and it is where the giggles are coming from. The door is wide open and I see a fairly handsome(not as hot as Travis though😉) boy with short brown hair and hazel eyes tickling a beautiful girl with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. They notice me standing there laughing at them and stop, blushing like tomatoes.
"Hello you two, I'm gonna guess you are dating because of the way you act with each other, the fact that your blushing, and your looks." I say, still laughing a little
"Oh, uhh, yes we are I'm Eleanor Maxwell and this my boyfriend James Helmsworth, and who might you be?" Says the girl indicating the boy.
"I'm Katie Gardne, and don't worry about this awkward way of meeting, I have a boyfriend too, and if I was the one here first you would probably meet my boyfriend Travis Stoll and I in a similar situation. Travis is a goofy one he is." I say, relieving the couple.
"Well I ought to be going now you to have some girl time." James says and leaves
"Does he go here?" I ask Eleanor
"No, he goes to BYU down the road."she answers
"Oh cool, so does Travis and his brother Connor. Connor is my sister Miranda's boy friend"
"Awesome, ooh what if Travis and James end up being roomies?"
"That we be such a coincidence!"
" I know right!" We cat for a while and eventually she asks me to explain the adventure Travis and I have faced as a couple.
"Well, we have known each other since we were ten, and I realized I had a crush on him when he brought me to the nurses office after I was attacked by one of the popular girls in high school. A few weeks after that right before summer vacation my step mother abused me so much that she practically could have killed me from blood loss, but Travis saved me and ran all the way to our summer camp, where they have just the right treatments for people and are actually a lot better at healing than other doctors. That was when we both fell in love with each other and were a happy couple for about a month, but then someone somehow tricked Travis into being mean and hating me. After a little while of it, it got the worst and he hit me and called me worthless and stupid and said that no one cared about me, so I ran away for five months and finally attempted to commit suicide my stabbing my self, and right after I stabbed, Travis, Connor and my friend Nyssa found me and took me back to camp, and they miraculously saved  me. I took Travis back after he explained himself and he helped me recover for a week and then we got accepted into our colleges and that leads to now." Eleanor is looking at me like I'm crazy.
"And I thought James and I had gone through so much. Oh and what is the name of this Camp?" I guess it wouldn't hurt telling her the name.
"Camp Half Blood"
"Oh my gods you are a half blood too?"
"Yah, and why have I never seen you?"
"Oh I only go in the school year"
"Oh I only go in the summer."
"So James is a Half blood too and he is a child of Ares, and the only pleasant one, and I am a child of Aphrodite with Charmspeak."
" I am a child of Demeter along with my sister obviously, and Travis and Connor are also demigods and spare Hermes kids."
"Sweet, now let's go get our cars and stuff that the gods provided! Oh and I forgot to mention this earlier, but I like to be called Ellie."
"Ok Ellie!" I say and we rush out to to the parking lot and see two Lamborghini convertibles parked in front of our dorm, one turquoise and one lime green. We head back inside. As soon as we close the door, three flashes of light fill the room and then there stands Demeter, Aphrodite, and Iris.
"Hello girls we would like to inform you of the things we have given you." Says my mother Demeter excitedly "you can go first Iris."
"Alright, so I have enchanted this house and also given you two the power to fang the color style, and print of anything at anytime just by touching the object and thinking of what you want it too look like.Same thing with furniture. Just go into a room and say something like a type of bed or closet you want to appear and it does, it will be white but that problem can be solved. The same thing also goes for little things like books or picture frames. If you summon it, it will appear! Happy decorating girls" Iris says and leaves in a blinding flash. Then Aphrodite grants her presents.
"Okay guys, so I have enchanted your closets and dressers to give you any outfit you can think of, just think of the shorts or top or shoes, and it will appear. Same thing with purses, but you actually have to put stuff in there. They are all endless purses, so don't worry about the size, but you will be able to find anything super easily. I have also enchanted your bathroom to supply all of you 'girl needs' if ya know what I'm talkin about. You can also summon any make up on your face by looking in the mirror and either thinking about it or describing it, and it will appear on your face. Oh and here is the rest of your personal belongings from camp Ellie!love you girls, and Tratie and Eleanames are so cute!" Moving boxes appear and have 'Eleanor Maxwell' written all over them.Then it's my mom's turn.
"Girls you have magic plates and cups like the ones at camp. Just say what you want and it appears, also endless cereal!! I have built you a garden Katie and since you like to earn it I have only provide some seed packets and tools. There is also a secret room in here, it is at the end of the hall, just put your hand anywhere on that wall and it will analyze if you are a Demigod or not, and if positive, it will open the door to a training and weapons room. Here is the rest of your stuff Katie" then she leaves, after the same type of moving boxes appear with my name written all over them.

A minute later Travis and James come over. Travis and James actually do end up being roomies and James and Trav both no that we are all demigods. Trav gives me a big bear hug and kisses me, same with James to Ellie. The boys help us design our rooms and put up the pictures. My favorite is the picture of the seven and Chris's, Clarisse, Nico, Emily,Connor,Miranda,Chiron,Travis and I all cut up and bloodied, but we are smiling our heads off. My other favorites are with my family, Trav and two ones I recently took with Ellie, James,Travis and I all together. One of us eating dinner, and the other of us playing outside in the rain. It was perfect.

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