Chapter 11 Charmspoken pt1

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HELLO MY BUBBLIES!! DISCLAIMER: DO I LOOK LIKE AN EVILY GENIUS MAN WHO HAS MILLIONS OF FANGIRLS BOWING DOWN AT HIS FEET?NOOOO IM AN ELEVEN YEAR OLD GIRL WHO IS OBSESSED WITH FANFICTIONS AND BOOKS!!! All right go to the amazing RICK RIORDAN I only on my OCs and the plot. Sry for small chapter, but I wanted suspense and I also used that to get some ideas sparking, AND the chapter was gonna be REEAAALLLLLLY LONG and I want to stretch it out, so this may be 2 parts long. HAPPY READING!!!😄😄😝
🌻🌻Katie POV🌻🌻
I see Drew pull Travis into the woods after brekfast, and I go investigate, but I can't find them. Oh well. I head back to my cabin and throw on an old CHB T-shirt, ripped Jean shorts, and my dirt and grass stained All Stars. I walk outside and head to the strawberry fields, where I pick and plant and pick and plant and pick and plant strawberries for like 5 hours before I brush the dirt off and head to the beach. There I see (just as I hoped) Travis. He is sitting on a towel wearing yellow swim trunks and no shirt. I check the time, it is12:07 PM, and I run up to him.
"Hey Trav!" I say, scaring him to death and plop down next to him.
"Oh, uuh, hey Katie." He says back. Hmmm. He normally calls my Katie Kat or Kit Kat. Rarely just 'Katie'
"What's up?"
"Oh nothin much just waiting here for someone."
"Someone who is not you."
"Well then mr. grumpy Stoll, who is this person who is not me?" I say, laying down on my stomach and propping my elbows on his chest.
"Well," he starts and pushes me off. Seriously this guy must be upset. " She is prettier, nicer, and all around better than you, and her name is Michelle." Im shocked. And I feel tears forming.
"Oh, well then *clears throat* you two have fun" I say with a forced smile, and then turn on my heel and power walk to my cabin.

I stomp to the door and into my room. I slam the door shut and flop on my bed with tears rolling down my cheeks. I should have never started dating him. This was the worst decision I ever made... STOP THINKING LIKE THAT KATIE!!! He was pulled over by Drew today, and she has charmspeak. She probably Charmspeaked him to do that. Just give him another chance. And so I do. But, he keeps getting worse and then I realize his eyes have never been glazed over, and he looks sincere. Oh my gods this was just him. Drew has nothing to do with it. I try to go up to him to confront him about it, but as soon as I walk up he grabs my hair and slaps me. He SLAPS ME. TRAVIS CAMERON STOLL SLAPS ME, KATIE BLOOM GARDNER RIGHT ACROSS THE FACE!! That is it. I tell my self.
"TRAVIS CAMERON STOLL HOW DARE YOU SLAP ME LIKE THAT!!!" By now tears are coming down my cheeks like burning missiles.
"YOU CANT CONTROL ME KATHERINE GARDNER NOW GET OUT OF MY LIFE I DONT CARE ABOUT YOU ANYMORE YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING IDIOT!!" He fires back I just stand there staring at him. I don't feel anger, or resentment, or even regret. I just feel depression and pain coursing through my heart, shattering it to teeny tiny pieces.
I turn on my heel and run to the strawberry fields.
"WHY ARE ALL THE GODS AGAINST ME???!!! WHY CANT I FIND SOMETHING GOOD IN,LIFE THAT I CAN KEEP FOR ONCE??!! YOU TOOK AWAY MY BEST FRIEND SELINA, MY FATHER, WILL SOLACE, AND NOW TRAVIS!!! WHY CANT I EVER HAVE SOMETHING GOOD?!" And with that I collapse into a lump of tears, sobs, and pain. And that is when I make my decision. I will run away.
(A/N I just realized that tis is my 13th update and something really bad happens. Wow. Unlucky #13)
🌺🌺Miranda POV🌺🌺
I saw the whole thing. I hears Katie's screams, her sobs, and I feel her pain.i have no idea where she is though, but she will come back to the cabin before dawn. I hope. The next morning she is nowhere to be seen we checked the entire camp inside and out. All of her stuff is there except for her knife,a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt. The entire Demeter cabin is furious with Travis Stoll.we pay him a little 'visit' where he comes out with a few broken limbs, a lot of bloody cuts, and a black eye. We keep searching for a few more months, but she is no where to be found. So everyone gave up. All of Katie's friends(which is like everyone in camp) is depressed now. The plants are getting weak, the camp is quiet, the campers don't have much motivation any more, and the ca fire every night is so small and blue, that it might as well not exist. Even the weather seems depressed, all it does is rain. Eventually we figure out that Travis was Charmspoken by Drew Tanka to do all that stuff to Katie, and that he had to swear on the river Styx and drink a potion so his eyes wouldn't glaze over, he was actually the one that was the most depressed.One day we send out Travis and Connor Stoll, and Nyssa, a Hephaestus girl, out on a tiny quest to steal some really rare wires and bolts that camp needs to repair some of the cabins and the big house after the recent storm. They come back with the stuff, but a bloody, almost dead Katie Gardner is in Travis's arms.
YAY so this wasn't as long as I thought and the next chapter will either be part two, or entirely new chapter. I think it's gonna be part two. QOTD:(yes I'm gonna start doing this now) fav color(s) mine are purple, turquoise, lime green, hot pink, and lavender.

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