Chapter 10

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HELLO READERS WHO I HAVE 300 OF YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!! DISCLAIMER: DO I LOOK LIKE AN EVILY GENIUS MAN WHO HAS MILLIONS OF FANGIRLS BOWING DOWN AT HIS FEET?NOOOO IM AN ELEVEN YEAR OLD GIRL WHO IS OBSESSED WITH FANFICTIONS AND BOOKS!!! All right go to the amazing RICK RIORDAN I only on my OCs and the plot. So I personally think there hasn't been enough tragedy and drama, so this will be the filler chapter for something tragic and dramatic. I tried to warn you I'm really crazy and evil, but I'm a genius author *wink wink*
After Katie leaves I throw a shirt on. Yes, I sleep with out a shirt on, it's comfy, and I think Katie liked it. 😏 so anyways, I get dressed and I'm about to rally up the campers, but then CONNOR bursts through the door.
"Where have you been?" I ask him
"Same as you, sleeping a Demeter girl who happens to be my girlfriend because she had a bad dream."
"How did you know Katie had a nightmare last night and came here to sleep with me?"
"Because I ran into her when I came back from the Demeter cabin"
"Oh, well you should probably get dressed." Then I realize something a little bit cringe worthy. "Wait, you slept with a girl at age 15???!!!" I personally think this is cringe worthy because Connor is my little bro, so I'm protective of him.
"Well when you put it that way it sounds like I'm a pervert. Besides, you slept with a girl too." He says smugly.
"Well I am entering adult hood in two months and you are entering adult hood in three years!"
"Uuuuggghhhh I guess you do have point it won't happen again."
"Thank you." Connor puts on some real clothes while I go in to the bathroom to brush my hair and take a shower.

We wake everyone up and help some of the youngins' (young ones) get ready. Then we herd them out the door and to the dining pavilion. We see the entire Demeter table giving Connor death glares, even Miranda. And let me tell you, a death glare from a Demeter to a Stoll, is almost as scary as Annabeth's death glare when she is directing towards someone who is hitting on Percy, her boyfriend. So that is pretty scary if you ask me, and I've gotten a glare like that a lot of times. We just sit down and eat our brekfast, and laugh at Connor attempting to not be scared, but it doesn't work. It pretty funny if you ask me.

After brekfast I get pulled over by uugh, Drew Tanka.
"Now listen, pretty boy," she snarls. Oh gods she is gonna charmspeak me, no no no NO NO! "I don't like your sorry excuse of a girlfriend, Kitty!"
"It's Katie!!" I snap at her.
"WHATEVER! Now listen, you are going to start being mean and careless towards her starting today at 12 o'clock start out small today, and then each day make it worse and worse for her, until her little heart shatters into pieces. All this time, you will be sweet on Michelle, my sister." I know it's wrong, but I will do it because I was told to and it may be a good thing to let Katie go... NO TRAVIS YOU LOVE HER YOU WILL NOT DO THIS TO SWEET, INNOCENT KATIE!! But it's to powerful. I have to do it.
"I-I will do it, and I w-will shatter h-her h-he-heart." I stutter out,no!!!
" swear on the river Styx..." She purrs
"I-i swear on the river Styx I will shatter her heart." Thunder booms in the distance. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
"Perrrfect. Now drink this potion so your eyes won't look glazed over. " I drink it. The deed is done I have to do it. There is no getting out of it. And I will lol sincere because I was charmspeaked, I promised, and I drank the potion.

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