USJ Fiasco

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   Sorry I'm a bit late on this update I just procrastinated a bunch

Welp, I'm back guys and this time I'm on the computer. It is Izuku's point of view unless stated otherwise or 3rd person

This is POV character talking talking I said

"This is not POV character talking,"

'this is not POV character thinking'

This is POV character thinking I thought

"This is almight talking"

This is a supermove or Izuku transformation talking


  Deku's POV:

  It was time to pick a class president. For some reason they chose me, but I could live with this. Anyways, me and Yaoyarozu both got 2 votes so we had another vote and I won with 18 votes to 2. After that it was time for lunch. Suddenly there was a loud alarm blaring off and people were rushing out of the cafeteria. "What's going on?" Iida questions. Someone responds that this was a level 3 security alarm that never happened in the 3 years that he's been here. I look outside and see that it's just the media so I transform into Big Chill and the green flash catches everyone's attention, everyone, it is just the press calm down I say. Out of the corner of my eye I see a suspicious person walk out of the entrance with a paper in his hand. Once we get back into the classroom Aizawa states, "Alright, we are heading to the USJ meet me at the entrance in 5 minutes," as he walking out of the classroom. After making it to the USJ a bunch of purple fog appears and people step out, "Wow, they even have fake villains here!" said a certain manly someone. "There not fake, these are real villains," Aizawa says, he jumps down to fight the villains while ordering 13 to protect the kids. Suddenly the guy that created the fog appeared in front of us and Kirishima and Bakugo attacked it. The attacks didn't do anything and the mist guy who introduced himself as Kurogiri warped us somewhere. I recognized this as the shipwreck zonew and I transform into Gravittack and float my way to the ship and use my gravity powers to put Mineta and Tsuyu onto the ship. I transform into Big Chill who 1. actually could stand on the ship and 2. froze the water so I carry Mineta and Tsuyu to shore. I saw Aizawa getting beaten up, and I couldn't just stand there so I transformed into humongasaur and attacked the nomu. The nomu got the upper hand and threw at the stairs, I got back up and started to push against the nomu whiiile it did the same. I started to get the upper hand and was pushing the nomu into the ground when Allmight says, "I AM HERE!", I was surprised and the nomu threw me at allmight, and the guy with hands notices that allmight is having trouble lifting me up so he orders nomu to attack Aizawa-sensei, I wasn't having it and transformed into xlr8 and then into humogasaur again and started to trade blows with the nomu, to defeat Aizawa you have to defeat me I state with a smirk. I hit him through a wall and while he is regenerating I turn into heatblast and blast him with fire melting some of the wall. I turn into big chill and freeze it, lastly I turn into Humongasaur and smash it into to pieces and  launching the head into the atmosphere where it burns up and the rest of the head is floating in space. "NO, NO, NO! You damn cheater! Kurogiri get us outta here!" the man with hands yells. After they leave the rest of the staff appeared and lucked at the nomu's remains, "Damn, you work fast allmight!" "I didn't do anything," was all allmight said in response. The teachers were in shock, thay looked at Aizawa who was beaten in the ground bloody, and then to me who was the only standing person as I turned back into human. They connected the dots and realized that I was the one that defeated nomu.

  The person I saw probably had the schedule for the classes and if so is a part of the league of villains. I have to report this to the principal.

  Sorry for taking a long time to upload this chapter, procrastination got the best of me.  The next chapter will be about the sports fest.

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