Just an average day

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The POV is Izuku and no one's unless stated otherwise
  It was an average day for me, kacchan has been bullying me for 6 years now and I was sick of it, but what could I do? I was a quirkless 10 year old boy that couldn't defend myself if my life depended on it. I saw a green shooting star in the sky, people already think I have gone off the deep end so they wouldn't be surprised if I wished on a shooting star, right? Suddenly, the shooting star changed course and rocketed toward me, "AHH!" I scream, I couldn't hear anything, but I feel better. A quirkless kid like me didn't deserve life. I felt something weird, like somethings were connecting, I suddenly woke up. I was fine? " Ah, your awake Midoriya, I have some questions to ask and I figure you do as well call be dr. Lee," Dr. Lee says. "My first question is how are you feeling?" I raise my hands in thumbs up symbols to show that I'm ok. This went on for a few seconds until it was my turn. I ask what day it was, he replied with April 28, 2020 I raise my eyebrows in surprise, when I got hit it was April 27, 2020," How did I heal so quickly?" I ask the doctor. He explains that the device that hit me has attached itself to me and somehow healed me and replaced my heart as my heart was destroyed when the device crashed into me. I was slowly processing this information when he suddenly mentioned that they found weird energy signals being released by the device but didn't seem to be harming me. So it repairs my body when it gets damaged and I seem to be a lot more athletic than before so it also seemed to put me in peek physical condition, I mutter suddenly going into a mutter storm wondering what else I can do with the watch. "Anyways," the doctor says," since you seem to be fine you can either leave or have someone come pick you up," I choose to leave by myself. After leaving the hospital I check the time only to find that it is nearly 5:00, crap my mom might start to worry and freak out, suddenly I my vision turns green and now I'm a blue bipedal velociraptor, weird, I thought. I ran back home and check the time to find out that it is still 4:47, I then proceed to realize that mom will freak out since I don't look like me. After thinking this another green flash appears and now I'm me again. I open the door to see that mom was in the restroom so I go into my room and start thinking about how I turned into that speedy guy. The device that crashed into me obviously had something to do with it, but what was it? I robotic voice intrudes into my thoughts," Hello user midoriya," it says, I whip my head around and don't see anyone. "I am in your head and to respond you only need to think," I nod, " I said you only need to think!" It states again. Alright, I thought, what are you? (When the omnitrix speaks it is now in italics) I am the omnitrix and I have the ability to turn you into different species. What does that have to do with regeneration though? I have multiple failsafes that will keep you from dying getting the omnitrix stolen, which is now impossible due to the fact that I am your heart,or getting harmed in base form. I ask how many aliens are in the omnitrix. There are thousands of forms in me and you can turn into anyone of them, you just have to think it. Alright, what was the blue one I turned into called? It is a kineceleran, these aliens can run incredibly fast, have high stamina, and have a degree of super strength.  I think about this, then decide to test out my powers at dagaboh beach. I tell mom that I'm going somewhere and will be back at 6. I run to Dagaboh beach and think about what aliens I should start with. If it helps I have nicknamed around 120 aliens and have compiled a playlist of 10 aliens to start with. They are Gravitack, Humongosaur, Echo Echo, Goop, Heatblast, Way Big, Snare Oh, Big Chill,xlr8, and Upchuck. I smile, turn me into Gravitack, I see the iconic green flash and now I am a planet like being with arms and legs. " What are you doing here?" someone asks. One of them looks like a blue haired elf and the other one looks like tintin. I say that I'm here to train and tintin reject's eyes light up. " You're training to, I am as well, let's train together." I smile, just try to keep up is all I say. I obviously have gravity related powers and it turns out I can manipulate gravity. I move some pile of garbage out of the way and decide to switch to xlr8, the tintin person and the elf look at me in shock. "I thought you were a planet guy," the reject says. I explain that my 'quirk' allows me to switch between many forms. "Wow, that's so powerful!" tintin person says. I find out that the people's names are Mirio Togata and Tamaki Amijiki. They were both 3 years older than me, but I was able to beat both, they were both applying to UA next year.

Time skip till entrance exam and Izuku used all classic aliens and alien force aliens minus alien x, and Z'skayr's connection to ghostfreak isn't an issue.
I was pumped for the entrance exam and I walked in, I tripped and turned into wildmutt. "Sorry, looks like you were about to fall but guess you didn't need my help," I turned around and saw a brunette. She introduces herself as Ochacco Uraraka and after that skirmish I head inside. Inside during the exam brief a guy with blue hair interrupted Present Mic," Exuse me but on the flier it states that there are 4 robots not 3, if this is a mistake, UA should be ashamed of themselves, and you with the unkempt hair," "Me?" I ask,"yes you, you've been muttering this entire time, people are trying to focus here and you're making it harder for them," I point that no one noticed my muttering and that in under a minute he has distracted everyone more than I have and interrupted Present Mic who was going to explain that the 4th robot is a obstacle. "Couldn't have said it better myself viewer, as he explained the 0-pointer we will be headings towards the exam area. When Present Mic says go, I immediately turn into xlr8 and zoom towards the robots, I start destroying them and have racked up 85 points. I hear a rumble, look up and see the 0-pointer, it is absolutely huge and I was about to run when I hear a girl scream for help. I turn and a see Ochacco trapped under rubble. I immediately run towards her and gets her out of the rubble and places her on the ground and runs away to turn into my biggest and most powerful form. While this is happening we cut to a control room where the teachers are watching the exam," Is he going to leave her there?" someone says," If he does it would be completely irrational to allow him into the hero course even though he would have naturally passed it," says you know who,"Even so let's see how this plays out," says a animal in a suit. Going back to our main character, a green flash occurs and now, instead of a blue velociraptor he is now a large humanoid, with with fins protruding from many places on his body. He smashes into the robot and it crushes under his force, he precedes to throw far out of the way of the other contestants. Everyone's mouth gapes open after seeing this magnificent act, and way big reverts back to normal, he rushes over to Ochacco to make sure she was ok. Recovery Girl walks over to them and heals her wounds, going to the thoughts of your favorite hobo, so that's why he ran away from the girl, so he could have enough room to transform without hurting her, he thinks.

After getting the acceptance letter from UA, his mom whips out a costume that she made (He changed the design twice after getting the omnitrix, one after getting the omnitrix, and once after getting upgrade) I smile and go to bed mentally preparing himself for UA.

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