sports fest rock

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  All right guys, sorry for the late update I'm gonna be a bit more lax with my writing style but atleast 1 every 2 weeks

"This is someone talking,"

'this is someone thinking'

"This is almight talking or Izuku transformation talking"

This is a supermove


  Izuku's POV:

  (I'm going to mostly just do the important highlights of the journey and ones where I found interesting) It was time for the sports festival, everyone was exciting. Thousands of people were watching this for some people, nervous was an understatement. The race which was the first part of the festival was about to start. (OK I admit, I'm not good with long pieces of dialogue) "3 2 1, go!" Midnight yells. People were rushing, but there were so much people they couldn't get out. Todoroki freezes the path and all of class 1a, some of 1b, and Shinso made it pass him. Todoroki makes it pass the Robo Inferno, the Fall, and made it to the minefield. The only person close to him was Kacchan, or so he thought. "What's this? A ghost just phased out of the ground! What is all this about Eraserhead?" Present Mic says. "That's Izuku Midoriya from class 1a, he has  a quirk that allows him to transform into lifeforms, but they have to be based on something or be made with a ability in mind," Aizawa replies. I was in the lead, I transform into xlr8 and sped through the last of the minefield. "There you have it folks, the winner is Izuku Midoriya from class 1a!" Present Mic shouts. "You damn nerd! Watch out, I going to be number 1 not you!" says you can probably guess.

  Next was the Calvary battle, and I had the greatest idea, when I transform it gives clothing automatically assigned to it with a color scheme of green and black no matter what you wear when you transform. It doesn't matter what I transform into as long as I don't get knocked off. After this brilliant thought I knew I was going to win, I transform into ghostfreak (so useful) and with that and getting a team of people, the Calvary battle began. No one could get my headband because no one saw it and people started to complain. Midnight however allowed it because I was justs using my 'quirk', people started targeting other people once they realised that they couldn't get 10,000,000 points. I was in 1st place with my team that just stood around (Mei was unhappy) 2nd was todoroki, 3rd was Bakugo, and 4th was Shinso. However, Ojjiro forfeited so tetsutetsu replaced him. (I have a soft spot for Kaminari - Author) 

  Now, for the thing everyone was waiting for, it was time for the 1 v 1. First up was me vs. Shinso, "Battle begin!" Midnight yells. I transform into wildmutt and ram him out of the ring. (Flashback: Ojiro told him about Shinso's quirk) Shinso looks dejected because he was made looking pathetic. I help him get back up again and it was time for the next round of people. Ashido vs. Aoyama, Ashido wins, Yaoyarozu vs. Tokoyami, Tokoyami wins, Kaminari vs. Shoda, Kaminari wins, Iida vs. Hatsume, Iida wins, Todoroki vs. Sero, Todoroki wins, Kirishima vs. Tetsutetsu Kirishima wins (arm wrestle) Ururaka vs. Kacchan, Kacchan wins. Now it was only 8 people, and 4 games, Kaminari wins against Iida (I genuinly think he would win), next up was me vs. Todoroki. I walked up to the arena and todoroki did as well. When Midnight says start Todoroki immediately shot the move that he did to sero. Midnight was going to announce the winner when she noticed the ice was glowing, it was melting and then it burst with a bright light. Todoroki was covering his eyes, and when he stopped he saw a humanoid made of rocks with magma veins and a burning head like a meteor. I transform into big chill, and said, "You will never beat me with half your power," Todoroki kept blasting ice and I kept dodging. "It's your power not his!" I scream. Todoroki had this look of realization on his face while I facepalm because he didn't realize that his quirk is his power and I didn't think that would work. He activates his full quirk and is about to do a super move, I look like I would do one too, so cementoss puts up a wall, at the last second I activate my phasing ability and Todoroki completes the super move, half the arena was destroyed along with half of Todoroki's shirt. I grab him and throw him out of the ring and transform back. "How are you not damaged?" Todoroki asks, "I'm just not," is what I reply with. "Izuku Midoriya wins!" Midnight says. Next up was Tokoyami vs. Ashido, Tokoyami wins, Kacchan vs. Kirishima, Kacchan wins again. In the semifinals it was Kacchan vs. Kaminari, Kacchan immidiately blasted himself sky high to avoid kaminari's electricity, and he eventually shortcurcuited causing kacchan to win. It was me vs. Tokoyami and I won because I turned into heatblast and Dark Shadow couldn't even touch me. Finally it was me vs. Kacchan. I transform back into heatblast and we start to fight. He blasts me with an explosion, but it just makes my attack stronger. I blast him with fire and he dodges, after that I get an idea. I turn into Big Chill and start attack, he doesn't know where the attack is or even if I'm attack, but puts 2 and 2 together when he feels the air getting cooled down every time I exhale. He blasts me again and I phase through it and go underground. I fly back up behind him encasing his leg in ice before he blasts me away. He's not used to flying with weight like my ice on his leg and his flight is a bit more wobbly. He charges at me about to ram the ice into me but I dodge and freeze part of his arm, the ice on his leg started to crack so I refroze it to the ground. He uses his left hand to try and blast the ice off but I freeze his hand along with his sweat. After that I freeze his other hand and incase the rest of his body in ice. "Izuku Midoriya wins!" Midnight yells. the crowd is cheering, but a certain flaming hero isn't happy with my performance.

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